2 John


Transcribed by David Morgan and Joseph Weissman.

This is the only epistle in Scripture written to a woman. And to one eminent, no doubt, in favor with God, and respect in the church, wherein after salvation of her, and her children, he shows his joy in their gracious carriage, warns them to take heed of deceivers, and concludes with a promise of a pious visitation, and salvation from her sister’s children. 

Verse 1. {The elder} Some conceive that the apostle calls himself so in humility, to equal himself with ordinary pastors, as Peter does, (1 Peter 5:1). Others think John called himself so in respect of his age. See on 1 John 2:1.

{unto the elect lady} Some think her name was Elect. Others, that she was so called, because she was a choice woman for grace. Others, because the apostle knew by the Spirit that she was one of God's elect (1 Thessalonians 1:4). She was a matron honored for her wealth and liberality to the poor. Or, one that had some civil title of honor above others. It may be supposed that she was a widow because her children are mentioned, but not her husband. 

{whom I love} Both mother and children.

{in the truth} With a true and sincere love: or, according to how God in his Word has appointed, which is called the Truth (John 17:17), or, in Christ, who is called the truth (John 14:6).

{but also all they, etc.} Such of them as lived in those parts, and knew her piety. This shows, it was no private indirect love which John bore to her, arising out of particular ends; but a religious love, common to all saints.

V. 2. {for the truth’s sake which dwelleth in us} The ground of my love, is the same lively faith wrought in us by God's Spirit.

{and shall be with us for ever} Which grace, where it has once taken root, is never rooted out again (1 Peter 1:23-25).

V. 3. {Grace be with you, mercy and peace} Paul uses the same salutation (1 Timothy 1:2, 2 Timothy 1:2, Titus 1:4). He wishes them God’s favor to their persons, mercy to pardon their sins, and peace of conscience.

{the Son of the Father} John 1:18 and 3:16. For Father, see on 2 Peter 1:17.

{in truth and love} Or, with truth and love. So that particle is used in Mark 1:23 and 5:2. He wishes them increase of the knowledge of the truth, and of love one to another.

V. 4. {I found} By experience, if at any time he conversed with them; or by relation of others, if he did not.

{of thy children} Some of your children.

{walking in truth} Sincerely or, as the truth of God's word prescribes. See on verse 1. Constantly professing the true religion, and living according to it. 

V. 5. {I beseech thee, lady} He entreats, where he might command, as Paul does (Philemon 9-10). It may be that he had some respect to the dignity of the lady, to whom he wrote.

{a new commandment} See on 1 John 2:7-8. I teach you no other doctrine than what you received at first from the apostles. From the beginning of our vocation to preach the gospel. For beginning, see on 1 John 1:1. 

{that we love one another} John 13:34 and 15:12.

V. 6. {This is love} Herein it consists. Or, this is that love, mentioned in verse 5.

{that we walk after his commandments} Then we love God and our brethren, when we walk after God's commandments; that is, according to them (John 14:15, 21, 23 and 15:10, 1 John 5:2-3, Romans 8:1). Lust, then, and sparing offenders whom we ought to reprove or punish, is not love, because it is contrary to God’s commandments. Or, love is it whereby we are enabled to keep his commandments (John 14:21 and 15:9-10, 1 John 2:3 and 5:2-3). Love must not be idle, but employed in doing good, according to God’s Word.

{this is the commandment} Of walking in the truth (verse 4), or of love (verse 5).

{from the beginning} 1 John 2:7.

V. 7. {For many deceivers} I have reason to urge you to constancy, because of false teachers, who seek to seduce you, 1 John 2:18, 22 and 4:3. These are impostors or jugglers, who can deceive quick-sighted men, if they are not very careful (Matthew 27:63).

{into the world} See on 2 Peter 1:4.

{that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh} 1 John 4:3. For flesh, see 2 Peter 2:18. And an antichrist, see on 1 John 2:18. The sum of verse 13. To take heed of deceivers, who give men coal mines for gold mines, counterfeit principles of religion for true. These are many, and already entered into the worlds where you live, in order to deceive you. He needs to watch, who lives among thieves. Therefore take heed of them. But how shall we know them so that we may take heed of them? You shall know them by a sure token: they deny the incarnation of Jesus Christ. This is a sure, though not an only note of a deceiver. Every such one is one of those deceivers and antichrists, whom I told you had entered into the world. 

V. 8. {that we lose not the things} We Christians, or we that taught you, if you continue not in good ways; for the reward is promised to such as continue to the end (Matthew 24:13); others lose it (Galatians 3:4).

{we have wrought} Or, gained. Some copies read, which ye have gained, but that ye receive, etc.

V. 9. {Whosoever transgresseth} God’s command of hearing Christ (Matthew 3:17). Or, by apostasy forsakes the truth in doctrine and life, contrary to verse 4.

{hath not God} [Neither] his father, nor his Spirit to guide him.

V. 10. {And bring not this doctrine} Received from Christ (verse 9). The meaning is: if he brings a contrary doctrine, else we should refuse the society of many private men, who are not able to teach at all, which is not here intended (Galatians 1:8-9).

{receive him not into your house} Do not lodge a false teacher, and have no familiarity with him, lest he seduce you; and that you may show your zeal for the truth, and actually reprove him.

{God speed} Greek: to rejoice. That was the ordinary salutation of the Greeks (Acts 23:26), as “Peace be to you” was of the Jews (Luke 10:5). That is, show him no countenance, nor give him any encouragement.

V. 11. {is partaker of his evil deeds} Seems to allow them by his familiarity with him, and so may further him in seducing others, who would not regard the false teacher for himself.

V. 12. {Having many things to write} He excuses the shortness of his epistle, not by want of matter to write, but by the hope he had of seeing her shortly. For not all things were fit to be written; and a lively voice affects more than a letter.

{face to face} Greek: mouth to mouth. Without any letter or messenger coming between (Exodus 33:11, Numbers 12:8, 2 Corinthians 12:12, 3 John 14). That you and I may be filled with joy by seeing one another, and conferring one with another. This shows the great holy mutual affection between the apostle and this elect lady. For friends take great delight in conversing together, especially after a long absence. 

V. 13. {The children of thy elect sister greet thee} Verse 1. Which were with John. So he sends other salutations (3 John 14). So does Peter (1 Peter 5:13), and Paul often (Romans 16:16, 21, 23, 1 Corinthians 16:20, 2 Corinthians 13:12, Philippians 4:22, Colossians 4:14, 2 Timothy 4:21, Titus 3:15, Philemon 23-24, Hebrews 13:25).