A Ready Way to Remember the Scriptures by Ezekiel Culverwell


BY That late able, painful, and worthy man of God, EZEKIEL CULVERWELL, Minister of the Word.

LONDON, Printed for JOHN CLARK, and are to be sold at his Shop under St. Peter’s Church in Cornhill. 1637.


Having many years ago gathered and made this brief collection of all the principal matters contained in the New Testament, whereby I may say (I lost not my labor) for I found it by good experience no small help unto me; for by it I could easily find any principal matter. 

Now although the chief use thereof be for divines and young students, yet upon the desire of many good Christians, which have found the like fruit and benefit, I was willing to publish the same and make it more common; unto whom I wish, that reading over the New Testament, they diligently observe the contents and chief matter contained in every chapter and verse, and often repeat them over, and every day to go through some chapter or other; and the better to keep the contents in memory, to say over daily that which is past. 

Hereby I have good proof, that by this means, in short time one may readily tell what are the contents of any chapter, and where any special matter is written (which I conceive may be a good exercise for the training up of children of ten years old and upward), for by reading over these contents, a man well exercised in the Scriptures, may is one hour see the principal matters in the whole New Testament. 

One special use thereof will be this to fill the head, and so the heart, with much heavenly matter, which is the best way to keep out idle thoughts. And therefore now having my heart’s desire in what I did expect, I have thought good to publish the like on the Old Testament. For direction I need not say much, for it is easily perceived that the figures at the beginning of each line, stands for the chapter, and the figures following the words, for the verse.

E. C.



Chapter 1: Creation (1); God’s Image (26); Man’s Sovereignty (26); All Very Good (31).

Chapter 2: Sabbath (3); Eden (8) Tree of Knowledge (17); Woman (22); Naked and Not Ashamed (25)

Chapter 3: Fall (6); Punishment (16); Cursed (17); Thrust out of Paradise; (23).

Chapter 4: Cain (1); Abel (2); Enoch (17); Lamech (19); Seth (25); Enoch (26).

Chapter 5: Genealogy to Noah (1);29. Long lives of the Fathers (27); Enoch taken up (24).

Chapter 6: Giants (4); God repented (6); Ark prepared (14).

Chapter 7: Flood (10); 150 days (24); All earthly creatures died save Noah and those with him (21).

Chapter 8: Going out of the Ark (18); Noah sacrificed (20); All seasons continue (22).

Chapter 9: Noah blessed (1); No blood eat (4); Rainbow (13); Ham cursed (25); The others blessed (26).

Chapter 10: Generation of Noah’s Sons (1); Japheth (2); Cham (6); Shem (21).

Chapter 11: Babel (9); Generations of Shem (10); Terah’s posterity (27); Goes to Haran (31).

Chapter 12: Abram goes to Canaan (4); Blessed (3); Goes to Egypt (10); Pharaoh plagued (17).

Chapter 13: We be Brethren (8); Lot to Sodom (12); Abram blessed (15); Comes to Mamre (18).

Chapter 14: Battle of Kings (8); Lot rescued by Abraham (16); Melchezidek (18).

Chapter 15: An Heir promised (4); And Canaan (7); 400. years (13); Covenant with Abraham (18).

Chapter 16: Hagar and Sarah (3); Ishmael born (15).

Chapter 17: Abraham (1); Circumcision (11); Sarah (15); Isaac promised (19); Ishmael blessed (20); Circumcised (23).

Chapter 18: Abraham receives three Angels (5); Sarah laughed (12); Abraham’s prayer (23).

Chapter 19: Sodom destroyed (24); Lot to Zoar (22); Lot’s wife (26); Lot’s incest (33) Moab (37); Ammon (38).

Chapter 20: Abimelech (2); His women healed of barrenness (18).

Chapter 21: Isaac born (2); Hagar cast out (14); Abimelech (22); Beersheba (31); Philistines (34).

Chapter 22: Isaac to be offered (10); Abraham blessed (17); Generation of Nahor (20).

Chapter 23: Sarah buried in Machpelah (19); Bought of Ephron (20).

Chapter 24: Abraham’s servant (10); Rebecca consents (58) Her journey (61); Isaac meets her (63).

Chapter 25: Keturah (1); Abraham’s sons by her (2); His death (8); Generation of Ishmael (13); Esau’s birthright (34).

Chapter 26:  Isaac at Gerar (6); Very rich (13); Contention (20); Covenant with Abimelech (28).

Chapter 27:  Jacob gets the blessing (28); Esau’s earthly blessing (39); Jacob flees to his uncle (43).

Chapter 28:  Jacob’s ladder (12); God’s promise (13); Bethel (19); Jacob’s vow (20).

Chapter 29:  Rachel (9); Leah (25); The birth of Reuben (32); Simeon (33); Levi (34); Judah (35).

Chapter 30:  Bilhah (4); The birth of Dan (6); Naphtali (8); Zilpah’s sons; 11 (12); Leah’s (17); Rachel’s (24); Jacob’s wages (32).

Chapter 31:  Jacob departs (17); Laban pursues (23); Contention (36); Covenant (44).

Chapter 32:  Messengers to Esau (3); Wrestling (24); Israel (28); Peniel (31); He halts (31).

Chapter 33:  Jacob and Esau meet (4); Present accepted (11); Succoth (17); Shechem (18); Hamor (19).

Chapter 34:  Dinah ravished (2); Shechemites slain (25); Jacob troubled (30).

Chapter 35:  Bethel (1); Idols buried (4); Benjamin born (18); Isaac buried (29).

Chapter 36:  Esau’s posterity (1); Edomites; (9).

Chapter 37:  Joseph hated (4); Dreams (6); Sold to the Ishmaelites (28); By them to Potiphar (36).

Chapter 38:  Judah (2); Er (7); Onan (9); Tamar with child by Judah (24); Pharez and Zarah (29).

Chapter 39:  Joseph’s Mistress (7); Accuses him. (17) He finds favor in Prison (21).

Chapter 40:  Pharaoh’s Butler and Baker imprisoned (3); Their dreams interpreted (12; 18).

Chapter 41:  Pharaoh’s two; Dreams (25); Joseph stores up Corn (49); The famine begins (54).

Chapter 42:  Jacob’s ten Sons bow before Joseph (6); Simeon kept (24); Joseph wept (24).

Chapter 43:  Benjamin sent (13); Joseph entertains them at his house (24).

Chapter 44:  Cup in Benjamin’s sack (12); Judah’s supplication (18).

Chapter 45:  Joseph made known to his Brethren (3); Jacob is sent for (9).

Chapter 46:  70 Souls come to Egypt (27); They are placed in Goshen (28).

Chapter 47:  Jacob comes before Pharaoh (7); The Egyptians sell all for Corn (15; 18).

Chapter 48:  Ephraim set before Manasseh (20).

Chapter 49:  Jacob blesses his Sons (28); Charges for his burial (29); Dies (33).

Chapter 50:  Great mourning at Jacob’s funeral (10); Joseph comforts his Brethren (21); Gives charge of his bones (25).


Chapter 1: Israel oppressed (11); Multiply (12); Midwives rewarded by God (21).

Chapter 2: Moses taken out of the water (5); Fled to Midian (15); God heard Israel’s groaning (24).

Chapter 3: Bush (2); God promises to deliver Israel (10); Sends Moses to tell Israel thereof (16).

Chapter 4: Rod a Serpent (3); Hand leprous (6); Blood (9); Aaron (14); Zipporah (25); Israel believed (31).

Chapter 5: Pharaoh increased their burdens (7); Officers beaten (14); Complaint to Moses (20); He to God (22).

Chapter 6: Jehovah (3); Deliverance promised (6); Israel hearkened not (9); Generations (14).

Chapter 7: Rods into Serpents (12); Waters blood (20); So did Enchanters (21); Pharaoh hardened (22).

Chapter 8: Frogs (6); Pharaoh sues to Moses (8); Lice (17); Sorcerers could not (18); Flies (24); Pharaoh hardened (32).

Chapter 9: Murrain [livestock disease] (6); Blaines [sores] (10); Hail (23); Pharaoh confesses his sin (27); Yet hardened (34).

Chapter 10: Locusts (4); Pharaoh’s servants entreat (7); Humbled (16); Hardened (20); Darkness (22); See not (23).

Chapter 11: Last plague threatened (1); People in favor with the Egyptians (3); Pharaoh hardened (10).

Chapter 12: Passover (3); Firstborn slain (29); Borrowed jewels (35); Come to Succoth (37).

Chapter 13: First borne (2); Feast in memorial thereof (6); Joseph’s bones (19); Cloud (22).

Chapter 14: Pharaoh pursues (5); People murmur (11); Pharaoh drowned (28).

Chapter 15: Songs (1); Marah (23); Murmur (24); Promise to obedience (26); Twelve wells at Elim (27).

Chapter 16: Wilderness of Sin (1); Murmur (2); Quails (13); Manna (15); Reserved (20); Sabbath (23).

Chapter 17: Murmur (2); Meribah (7); Amalek overcome (13); Cursed (16).

Chapter 18: Jethro comes to Moses (5); His counsel (19); Rulers chosen (25); Jethro departs (27).

Chapter 19: Sinai (1); Promises (5); Great preparation for the Law (10).

Chapter 20: Ten Commandments (1); Tremble (18); No Idols (23); Altar how to be made (24).

Chapter 21: Laws for Servants (2); Murder (12); Man-stealing (16); Curse Parents (17); Smiting (20); Ox (28); Pit (33).

Chapter 22: Theft (1); Betrothed (16); Witch (18); Stranger (21); Widow (22); Lending (25); First fruits (29).

Chapter 23: Justice (6); Stranger (9); Seventh year (11); Sabbath (12); Feasts (14); God’s Angel (23); Hornets (28).

Chapter 24: Seventy Elders (1); Book of the Covenant (7); Forty days in the Mount (18).

Chapter 25: Offerings for Tabernacle (2); Ark (10); Mercy Seat (17); Table (23); Candlestick (31); Instruments thereof (38).

Chapter 26:  Form of Tabernacle Curtains (2); Coverings (7); Boards (15); Veil (31); Door (36).

Chapter 27:  Altar (1); Vessels (3); Court (9); Oil (20).

Chapter 28:  Aaron and his Sons’ garments (2); Ephod (6); Breastplate (15); Miter (36).

Chapter 29:  Consecration (1); Daily sacrifice (38); God will dwell with Israel (45).

Chapter 30:  Incense Altar (1); Ransom (12); Laver (18); Holy Oil (23); Perfume (34).

Chapter 31:  Bezaleel (2); Sabbath a sign (17); Two Tables (18).

Chapter 32:  Calf (4); Moses appeases God (11); Tables broke (19); Three thousand slain (28); Blot me (33).

Chapter 33:  Angel (2); Put off ornaments (5); Face to face (11); God’s back parts (23).

Chapter 34:  New Tables (1); God’s glory (5); No Covenant (12); Sundry laws (13); Forty days (28); Shined (29).

Chapter 35:  No fire (3); Free gifts (5); Bezaleel and Aholiah filled with the Spirit (30).

Chapter 36:  Too much (5); Making of the Tabernacle (8).

Chapter 37:  Ark (1); Mercy seat (6); Table (10); Vessels (16); Candlestick (17); Oil (29); Incense (29).

Chapter 38:  Altar (1); Laver (8); Court (9); Hangings (11); The sum of Gold (24); Silver (25); Brass (29).

Chapter 39:  Ephod (2); Breastplate (8); Robe with bells (25); Coats (27); Miter (28); Crown (30).

Chapter 40:  All reared (2); Aaron and his sons Sanctified (13); Cloud filled (34); Removed (36).


Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings of herds (2); Flocks (10); Fowls (14).

Chapter 2: Meat offerings (1); First fruits (12); Salt of the Covenant not wanting (13).

Chapter 3: Peace offerings of herd (1); Flocks (6); Lamb (7); Goat (12).

Chapter 4: Sin offerings of ignorance (2); For Priest (3); Congregation (13); Ruler (22); People (27).

Chapter 5: Offerings for sins known (1); Trespass in holy things known or unknown (15).

Chapter 6: For sin done wittingly (2); Law of burnt Offerings (9); Consecration (20).

Chapter 7: Law of trespass offerings (1); All the Priests (9); Thanksgiving (12); Fat and blood not eaten (23).

Chapter 8: Consecration of Aaron and his Sons (6); The offerings thereat (14).

Chapter 9: Aaron offers for himself (8); And the people (15); Blessed (22); Fire from God (24).

Chapter 10: Nadab (1); No wine (9); Priests eat in holy place (12); Aaron’s excuse (19).

Chapter 11: Clean and unclean Beasts (3); Fishes (9); Fowls (13); Creeping things (29).

Chapter 12: Women purified (2); Their offerings (8).

Chapter 13: Marks of Leprosy on men (2); Or garments (47).

Chapter 14: Offerings for cleansing of Lepers (2); Leprosy in a house (34).

Chapter 15: Issues of Men and Women (2); Cleansed (13; 19); Their offerings (14; 28).

Chapter 16: Entering into the Holy place (2); Offerings (11); Scapegoat (21); Day of atonement (29).

Chapter 17: No blood eaten (10); Nor which dies alone (15); Or is torn (15).

Chapter 18: Unlawful marriages (6); Other filthy abominations (19); Land sin (25).

Chapter 19: Repetition of sundry Laws (3); Gleaning (9); No mingling (19); Mercy (33); Justice (36).

Chapter 20: Molech (2); Wizards (6); Incest (19); Buggery (15); Clean beasts (25).

Chapter 21: Priests’ holiness (6); Not to mourn (11); No blemish (17).

Chapter 22: No Priest unclean may eat Holy things (2); What sacrifices eaten (19).

Chapter 23: Feasts of Sabbath (3); Passover (5); First fruits (10); Pentecost. 15. Trumpets (23); Tabernacles (33).

Chapter 24: Oil (2); Shew-bread (5); Blasphemer die (11); Murder 17. Damage (18).

Chapter 25: Seventh year (2); Sabbath (4); Jubilee (8); Sale of land (14); Poor (25); Bondmen redeemed (44).

Chapter 26:  No Idolater (1); Blessing to obedience (3); Curses to disobedience (14); Mercy to humble (40).

Chapter 27:  Persons vowed (2); Beasts (9); Houses redeemed (15); Devoted (28); Tithe (30).


Chapter 1: Eleven Tribes numbered (5); Levites not numbered (47); Pitch about the Tabernacle (50).

Chapter 2: The order of the Tribes in their rents (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 3: Levites taken for the firstborn (12); Their number and order (17).

Chapter 4: Services of the three Families of the Levites (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 5: Unclean out of the Camp (2); Restitution (6); Jealousy (12); Bitter water (18).

Chapter 6: Law of Nazarites (2); Priests bless the people (23).

Chapter 7: Several offerings of the Princes (2); God spoke to Moses (89).

Chapter 8: Lamps (2); Levites consecrated (6); Their time of their service (24).

Chapter 9: Passover (2); Unclean in the second month (6); Cloud guides their journeys (18).

Chapter 10: Trumpets (2); Remove to Paran (12); Order of march (14); Moses blessing (35).

Chapter 11: Taberah (3); Lusting (4); 70 Elders (16); Eldad (26); Quails (31); Great Plague (33); Kibroth (34).

Chapter 12: Miriam’s leprosy (10); Shut out of the Host (15).

Chapter 13: Twelve Spies (3); Their report (26); Caleb stills the people (30).

Chapter 14: Murmur (2); Joshua and Caleb (6); Moses prayer (13); Forty years (33); Amalek (43).

Chapter 15: Divers [Various] Sacrifices (3); Presumptuous die (30); Gathered sticks stoned (32); Fringes (38).

Chapter 16: Korah (1); Earth swallowed (31); 250 burnt (35); 14000 and 700 slain (49).

Chapter 17: Aaron’s rod buds (8); It is kept (10).

Chapter 18: Priests and Levites charges (1); And portions (9).

Chapter 19: Water of Purification (12); The unclean not purified cut off (20).

Chapter 20: Miriam dies (1); Rock smitten (11); Edom denies passage (18); Aaron dies (28).

Chapter 21: Hermah (3); Fiery Serpents (6); Journeys (10); Sihon (21); Og destroyed (33).

Chapter 22: Balaam refuses; 13; His Ass (23); He comes to Balak (36).

Chapter 23: Balaam’s sacrifices (2); His Parables (7); Blessing Israel (19).

Chapter 24: Balaam still blesses Israel (5); Prophecies against Edom (18); Amalek (20).

Chapter 25: Whoredom with Moab (1); Phineas (7); Vex the Midianites (17).

Chapter 26:  Sum of all Israel: 601;730 (51); Levites: 23;000 (62); Not of the former number (64).

Chapter 27:  Daughters of Zelophehad (1); Moses sees Canaan (12); Joshua succeeds (23).

Chapter 28:  Daily Offerings (2); Double on Sabbath (9); New Moons (11); Passover (16); Firstfruits (26).

Chapter 29:  Offerings at day of Trumpets (1); And of reconciliation (7); Tabernacles (13).

Chapter 30:  Vows of Maids (3); Wives (6); Widows (9).

Chapter 31:  Midianites and Balaam slain (8); Women saved slain (17); Lord’s portion (48).

Chapter 32:  Reubenites; Gadites; and half tribe of Manasseh; have the land of the Amorites (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 33:  Forty two journeys (1); Canaanites if not destroyed (52); Left as pricks (55).

Chapter 34:  Borders of the Land (2); Names of them that divide the Land (17).

Chapter 35:  Forty eight Cities for Levites (2); Six for refuge (6); Laws for Murder (11).

Chapter 36:  Inheritance must not pass from Tribe to Tribe (Throughout the whole).


Chapter 1: Rehearsal of divers things (4); Officers (15); Spies (19); God’s anger for murmuring (34).

Chapter 2: Journeys (1); Not to meddle with Edom and Moab (4); Amorites destroyed (24).

Chapter 3: Og destroyed (1); His bed (11); Two Tribes and half (12); Moses should see Canaan (27).

Chapter 4: Exhortation to Obedience (1); With threats (23); Cities for refuge (41).

Chapter 5: Ten Commandments (6); People crave Moses to speak to them (24).

Chapter 6: Teach Children (7); Forget not (12); Our righteousness (25).

Chapter 7: Seven Nations (1); God loved you (7); Blessings (12); Hornet (20); No Image (25).

Chapter 8: Fed thee with Manna (3); Forget not (11); You shall perish (19).

Chapter 9: Not for your righteousness (5); Their continual rebellions (7).

Chapter 10: Restoring two Tables (2); Levites separated (8); Exhortation to obedience (12).

Chapter 11: God’s mighty works (2); Laud God (12); Blessings and Curses (22); Gerizim and Ebal (29).

Chapter 12: Idolatry destroyed (2); Place for Worship (5); No blood (23); Not to add or diminish (32).

Chapter 13: Enticers to Idolatry stoned (10); And such Cities destroyed (12).

Chapter 14: Clean and unclean (4); Tithes (23); Third year’s tithe for the Levites and Strangers (28).

Chapter 15: Seventh year free (1); Poor (4); Hebrew servant (12); First things sanctified (19).

Chapter 16: Passover (1); Pentecost (9); Tabernacles (13); Judges (18); No Groves (21).

Chapter 17: Idolaters slain (2); Priest Judge (9); Contemners die (12); Duty of King (16).

Chapter 18: Levites portion God (2); Not as Nations (9); Prophet good or bad known (21).

Chapter 19: Refuge for Manslayers (2); Landmarks (14); Two witnesses (15); False witness (16).

Chapter 20: Dismissed from War (5); What Cities spared or destroyed (10); Fruit trees (19).

Chapter 21: Found slain (1); Captive wife (10); Firstborn (15); Rebellious Son (18).

Chapter 22: Stray (1); Sex (5); No mixture (9); Divorce (13); Betrothed (23); Rape (28); Incest (30).

Chapter 23: Enter the Congregation (1); Uncleanness (9); No Whore (17); Usury (19); Vows (21); Trespasses (24).

Chapter 24: Divorce (1); Pledge (10); Man stealer (7); Lend Poor (10); Hire (14); Justice (16); Gleaning (19).

Chapter 25: Forty stripes (3); Ox (4); Raise seed (5); Hands cut off (12); Weights (14); Amalek (17).

Chapter 26:  Confessing at Offerings the firstfruits (5); And tithes (12); God yours; you God’s (16).

Chapter 27:  Law written on stones (2); Six Tribes to bless; and six to curse (12); Who cursed (15).

Chapter 28:  Blessings (3); And curses (16); Eate Children (53).

Chapter 29:  Former works of God (2); Covenant with all Israel (10); Presumption (18); Secret to God (20).

Chapter 30:  Mercy to Penitent (3); Word near to you (14); Life and death (15).

Chapter 31:  Moses encourages the people (3); And Joshua (7); Law read on the Seventh year (11); Read this Song (30).

Chapter 32:  Song (1); God’s mercies (7); And vengeance (19); Nebo (49).

Chapter 33:  Blessing of the twelve Tribes (2); Who is like Israel (29).

Chapter 34:  Moses sees Canaan (1); Dies (5); Thirty days Mourning (8); None like Moses (10).


Chapter 1: GOD will be with Joshua (5); Reubenites; Gadites; etc. promise Joshua fealty (16).

Chapter 2: Rahab saves the Spies (6); Takes oath for her and hers (12).

Chapter 3: People Sanctified to pass over Jordan.

Chapter 4: Twelve Stones (5); God magnifies Joshua; 14 Gilgal (20).

Chapter 5: Circumcision (8); Passover (10); Manna ceased (12); Angel appeared to Joshua (13).

Chapter 6: Jericho accursed (18); Walls fall (20); All destroyed save Rahab’s kindred (21).

Chapter 7: Israel discomfited at Ai (5); Fasted (6); Achan and all his Stoned (25).

Chapter 8: Ai taken (19); King hanged (29); Altar (31); Law written (32); Stones (33); Blessings (34); Curses (34).

Chapter 9: Kings join (1); Gibeonites make league (15); They be cursed (23); Bondmen (27).

Chapter 10: Five Kings discomfited (10); Hailstones (11); Sun stood a Day (13); Seven Kings [are] overcome (28).

Chapter 11: Many Kings overcome (8); Hazor taken (10); The Anakims [are] cut off (22).

Chapter 12: The Kings whom Joshua overcame on both sides of Jordan.

Chapter 13: Land not yet conquered (1); The Inheritance of the two Tribes and half (15).

Chapter 14: 9 Tribes inherit by lot (1); Caleb has Hebron (13).

Chapter 15: Judah’s lot (1); Caleb’s portion (13); Othniel (17); Cities of Judah (21).

Chapter 16: Joseph’s lot (1); Ephraim’s (5); Canaanites not conquered (10).

Chapter 17: Manasseh’s lot (1); Another lot for Joseph’s Children (14).

Chapter 18: Tabernacle set up at Shiloh (1); Land into seven parts (2); Benjamin’s lot (11).

Chapter 19: Lots of Simeon (1); Zebulon (10); Issachar (17); Asher (24); Naphtali (32); Dan (40); Joshua (49).

Chapter 20: Six Cities of Refuge set out.

Chapter 21: 48 Cities for the Levites (41); Land had rest (44); Nothing failed (45).

Chapter 22: Two Tribes and half sent home (6); Altar of witness (10); People appeased (33).

Chapter 23: Joshua encourages Israel (2); Promises (10); Threats (13).

Chapter 24: Rehearsal of God’s benefits (2); Covenant (25); Stone a witness (27); Joseph’s bones buried (32).


Chapter 1: Adonibezek (5); Jerusalem (8); Othniel (13); Many Canaanites not driven out (27).

Chapter 2: Bochim (1); Served Baalim (11); God’s anger (14) and pity (16); Canaanites left (23).

Chapter 3: Nations left to prove Israel (1); Othniel (9); Ehud (25); Shamgar (31).

Chapter 4: Deborah (4); Barak (6); Sisera (13); Slain by Jael (21).

Chapter 5: Song of Deborah (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 6: Gideon (11); Destroys Baal’s Altar (25); Jerubbaal (32); His Signs (37).

Chapter 7: Gideon with 300 overcomes the Midianites (22); Oreb and Zeeb (25).

Chapter 8: Succoth (5); Penuel (8); Zebah and Zalmunnah (10); Ephod (27); Baal-Berith (33).

Chapter 9: Abimelech King (6); Jotham’s Parable (8); Gaal (26); Zebul (30); Abimelech slain (53).

Chapter 10: Tola (1); Jair (3); Philistines oppress them (7); God reproves (11); And pities them (16).

Chapter 11: Jephthah overcomes Ammon (33); Performs his vow on his Daughter (39).

Chapter 12: Ephraimites slain (6); Ibzan (8); Elon (11); Abden (13); Judges.

Chapter 13: Manoah (2); Samson is born (24).

Chapter 14: Samson’s riddle (14); Kills 30 Philistines (19); His wife given to another (20).

Chapter 15: 300 Foxes (4); Burnes Philistines’ corn (5); Smote them (8); Is bound (13); Slays 1000 (15); Lehi (19).

Chapter 16: He carried the Gates (3); Delilah (4); Samson’s eyes put out (21); Death (30).

Chapter 17: Micah (1); No King (6); Levite was his Priest (7).

Chapter 18: Danites take away Micah’s Priest (19); Take and burn Laish (27); Build Dan (29).

Chapter 19: Levites Concubine at Gibeah abused (28); Cut in twelve pieces and sent to the 12 Tribes (29).

Chapter 20: Benjamites twice vanquish (21); Are vanquished. 35. Cities burnt (48).

Chapter 21: Jabesh Gilead (save 400 Virgins) destroyed (12); Daughters of Shiloh (19).


Chapter 1: Naomi’s husband (3); And Sons died (5); Orpah returns (14); Ruth abides (16).

Chapter 2: Ruth gleans (7); Boaz’s kindness (8); Ruth carried home store (18).

Chapter 3: Ruth lays at Boaz feet (7); He yields to her desire (13); And relieves her (15).

Chapter 4: Boaz’s kinsman refusing (6); He marries Ruth (13); Obed (17); Jesse-David (22).


Chapter 1: Hannah bears Samuel (20); Presents him to the Lord (28).

Chapter 2: Hannah’s Song (1); Eli’s Sons wicked (22); Heavy threatenings against him (31).

Chapter 3: Samuel called (4); Heavy tidings to Eli (12); God appeared to Samuel (21).

Chapter 4: Philistines overcome Israel (10); Ark taken (11); Eli breaks his neck (18); Icabod (21).

Chapter 5: Dagon falls before the Ark (4); Men of Ashdod (6); Gath (8); Ekron (10); Hemorrhoids (12).

Chapter 6: Ark sent back (11); Men of Beth-Shemesh slain (19).

Chapter 7: Ark in Kiriath Jearim twenty years (2); Eben-Ezer (12); Philistines subdued (13).

Chapter 8: Israel asks for a King (5); Samuel told the oppression of the King (11).

Chapter 9: Saul comes to Samuel about his father’s asses (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 10: Saul anointed (1); Is confirmed (9); He Prophecies (10); Chosen at Mizpeh (24).

Chapter 11: Jabesh Gilead (1); Ammonites slain (11); Saul made King in Gilgal (15).

Chapter 12: Samuel rehearses his Integrity (3); God’s mercies (8); Thunder (18); Exhortation to repent (20).

Chapter 13: Philistines: great Host (5); Saul sacrifices (9); Reproved (13); No Smith in Israel (19).

Chapter 14: Jonathan and his Armor-bearer (6); Philistines flee (15); Saul’s adjuration (24); Honey (27); Eat with blood (32); Jonathan saved (45).

Chapter 15: Saul spares Agag (9); His Sin and judgment (26); Agag slain (33); Samuel mourns (35).

Chapter 16: David secretly anointed (13); Saul sends for him to quiet his Spirit (19).

Chapter 17: David kills Goliath (50); Saul takes notice of him (55).

Chapter 18: David and Jonathan’s Covenant (3); Saul’s envy (9); Michall (20); 200 Foreskins (27).

Chapter 19: Saul reconciled (7); Yet sought his life (10); Michal saves him (12); Naieth (18).

Chapter 20: David and Jonathan renew Covenant (16); Three arrows (20); Jonathan reviled (30).

Chapter 21: David eats of the Showbread (6); Feigns himself mad (13).

Chapter 22: Many resort to David (2); His Parents at Moab (4); Doeg kills the Lord’s Priests (18).

Chapter 23: Keilah (1); Ziph (14); Jonathan (16); Ziphites (19); Maon (24); Philistines invade (27); Engedi (29).

Chapter 24: Saul’s skirt (4); David’s innocence (15); Saul’s Confession (17); David’s oath (22).

Chapter 25: Samuel dies (1); Nabal (10); Abigail (18); David takes her to wife (42).

Chapter 26: David spares Saul (11); Abner reproved; 16; Speaks to Saul (18); Who confesses (21).

Chapter 27: David goes to Gath (2); Ziklag (6); Destroys the Geshurites (8); Tells untruth (10).

Chapter 28: Saul goes to a Witch (8); Hears heavy tidings (19); Faints (20); Is comforted (23).

Chapter 29: David is sent back from war by Achis (7); Who commends him (9).

Chapter 30: Ziklag burnt (1); Amalekites surprised (16); Spoil divided (24); Sends presents (26).

Chapter 31: Israel overcome (1); Saul’s death (4); Men of Jabesh took the bodies (11).


Chapter 1: An Amalekite saying he slew Saul is slain (15); David laments for Saul (17).

Chapter 2: David King of Judah (4); Ishbosheth of Israel (8); War (17); Asahel slain; (23).

Chapter 3: Long war (1); Abner’s league (13); Joab kills him (27); Is cursed (29); David mourns (31).

Chapter 4: Ishbosheth killed (7); The murderers executed (12); His head buried (12).

Chapter 5: All Israel makes David King (3); Zion taken (9); Hiram (11); Philistines [are] overcome (25).

Chapter 6: Ark removed (3); Uzzah (7); Obadiah blessed (12); Ark to Zion (12); Michal scoffs (16) Barren; (23).

Chapter 7: David would but should not build God’s house (5); God’s Promise (13); David’s thanks (18).

Chapter 8: David’s Victories (1); He dedicated (11); Garrisons in Edom (14); Officers (16).

Chapter 9: Mephibosheth advanced (7); Ziba; (9).

Chapter 10: Hanun abuses David’s servants (4); Ammonites and Syrians overcome (14, 18).

Chapter 11: David’s adultery with Bathsheba (4); Uriah slain (17), David takes Bathsheba (27).

Chapter 12: Nathan reproves David (7); Who mourns for the Child (16); Solomon (24); Rabbah (29).

Chapter 13: Amnon deflowers Tamar (14); Is slain by Absolam (29); Who flees (37).

Chapter 14: Absalom is brought back (23); After two years sees the King (33).

Chapter 15: Absalom’s conspiracy (6); David flees (14); Ark (25); Hushai returned (37).

Chapter 16: Ziba (1); Shimei (5); Hushai comes to Absolam (16); Ahithophel’s counsel; (23).

Chapter 17: Ahithophel’s council rejected (14); His death; 23 Two messengers (17); David relieved (27).

Chapter 18: Absolam overthrown (15); David mourns for him (33).

Chapter 19: Joab moves David to cease mourning (8); Judah (11); Shimei (18); Mephibosheth (24); Barzillai (31).

Chapter 20: Sheba (1); Amasa slain by Joab (9); Abel besieged (15); Sheba beheaded (22).

Chapter 21: Three years of Famine (1); Seven of Saul’s posterity hanged (9); Bones buried (12); Giants (22).

Chapter 22: David’s Thanksgiving for subduing his enemies (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 23: David’s last words (1); His mighty men; (8).

Chapter 24: People numbered 1,300,000 (9); 7,0000 died (15); Araunah (18); Plague ceased (25).


Chapter 1: Abishag (3); Adonijah usurps (7); Solomon anointed (39); Adonijah flees (50).

Chapter 2: David’s charge to Solomon (1); Adonijah (25); Joab (34); Shimei slain (46).

Chapter 3: Pharaoh’s Daughter (1); Gibeon (5); Asks wisdom (9); Two Harlots (16).

Chapter 4: Solomon’s Princes (2); Provision (22); His greatness (26); Wisdom (29); Proverbs (32).

Chapter 5: Hiram blesses God for Solomon (7); Grants his desire (9); Solomon’s workmen (13).

Chapter 6: The building of the Temple (1); God’s promise (12); The time of Building it (38).

Chapter 7: Thirteen years building his own house (1); Hiram’s curious works in all the vessels (15).

Chapter 8: Feast of Dedication (1); Solomon’s Prayer (23); Exceeding Sacrifices (63).

Chapter 9: God’s covenant with Solomon (3); Hiram (12); Cities built (17); Canaanites tributaries (21); Navy (26).

Chapter 10: Queen of Sheba (2); Her gifts (10); Solomon’s wealth (14); Throne (18); Chariots (26); Horses (28).

Chapter 11: Solomon’s Idolatry (4); Adversaries (14); Jeroboam appointed King over ten Tribes (31); Solomon’s end (43).

Chapter 12: Rehoboam (1); Jeroboam (12); Adoram slain (18); War forbid (24); Two Calves (28).

Chapter 13: Jeroboam’s hand restored (6); Young and old Prophet (14).

Chapter 14: Threats against Jeroboam (10); Abiiah mourned for (18); Jeroboam’s Sin (16); His end (20).

Chapter 15: Abijam evil (3); Asa good (11); Hired Benadad (18); End (24); Nadab (25); Baasha (27).

Chapter 16: Elah (6); Zimri (9); Omri (15); Ahab (29); Jericho built (34).

Chapter 17: Elijah (1); Zarephah widow (9); Her Son restored to life (22).

Chapter 18: Elijah meets Ahab (16); Baal’s Prophets slain (40); Rain comes (45).

Chapter 19: Jezebel (2); Eliiah flees to Horeb (8); Commanded to go and anoint Hazael; Jehu and Elisha (15).

Chapter 20: Benhadad twice overthrown (29); Ahab lets him go (34); Is threatened for it (42).

Chapter 21: Naboth’s Vineyard (2); Ahab threatened (21); Repents (27); Spared (29).

Chapter 22: Ahab’s false Prophets (6); Micaiah (15); Ahaziah (40); Jehoshaphat’s Life (42); Death (50).


Chapter 1: Ahaziah sends for Elijah; two Captains (9, 11); The third spared (15); Jehoram (17).

Chapter 2: Elijah taken up (11); Elisha succeeds (13); Divides Jordan (14); Waters healed (21).

Chapter 3: Elisha obtains water for three Kings army (20); Moab destroyed (24).

Chapter 4: Oil increased (5); Shunamite’s Son raised (35); Pottage healed (41); The loaves (42).

Chapter 5: Naaman comes to the Prophet (9); Is cleansed (14); Gehazi a Leper (27).

Chapter 6: Iron swims (6); Syrians counsel disclosed (10); Their army led to Samaria (19); Famine (25).

Chapter 7: Plenty (16); Ruler trod to death in Samaria (20).

Chapter 8: Shunamites’ land restored (6); Benhaedad murdered (15); Joram (16); Ahaziah (25).

Chapter 9: Jehu King (13); Kills Joram (24); Ahaziah (27); Jezebel eaten with Dogs (36).

Chapter 10: Seventy of Ahab’s Sons slain (7); All Baal’s Priests destroyed (25); Jehoaz (35).

Chapter 11: Athaliah (1); Joash King (12); Athaliah slain (16).

Chapter 12: Jehoahaz repairs the Temple (5); Gave all the dedicated things to Hazael (18); Is slain (20).

Chapter 13: Jehoahaz (1); Israel delivered by Prayer (4); Joash (9); Jeroboam (13); Elisha’s death (14); Bones (21).

Chapter 14: Amaziah overcome by Jehoash (12); Slaine (19); Azariah (21); Jeroboam; (23).

Chapter 15: Azariah a Leper (5); Jotham (7); Zechariah slain (10); Shallum (13); Menahen (16); Pehaiah (23); Pehah (27).

Chapter 16: Ahaz hired Ashur (7); Sets up an Altar (12); Spoils the Temple (17).

Chapter 17: Hoshea carried to Assyria (6); Their sins (9); God and Idols (33).

Chapter 18: Hezakiah gave tribute (16); Rabseceth rails (35).

Chapter 19: Isaiah Prophecies against Sennacherib (6); 185,000 Slain (35); Sennacherib slain (37).

Chapter 20: To Hezekiah’s life 15 years added (6); Sun goes back (11); Babylonians see his treasures (13).

Chapter 21: Manasseh (1); Amon (19); Josiah (24).

Chapter 22: Josiah (1); Hilkiah (8); Book (10); Huldah (15).

Chapter 23: Covenant (2); Destroyed Idolatry (5); Passover (21); Slaine (29); Iehoaz (31); Eliakim (34).

Chapter 24: Jehoiachim (1); Jehoiacin (6); Jerusalem taken (12); Zedekiah rebelled (20).

Chapter 25: Jerusalem taken with Zedekiah (4); Poor lest (12); Gedaliah slain (25); Jehoiacin advanced (28).


Chapter 1: Adam’s line to Noah (1); Shem’s to Abraham (17); Edom (43).

Chapter 2: Judah (3); Jesse (13); Caleb (18); Hezron (21); Jerahmeel (25); Caleb of Hur (50).

Chapter 3: David his line to Jeconiah (1); His successors; Verse. 10

Chapter 4: Hur (1); Jabesh (9); Shelah (21); Of Simeon (24); Their conquest (41).

Chapter 5: Reuben’s posterity (1); Gad (11); Half Manasseh (23); Captive to Assyria (26).

Chapter 6: Levi (1); Priests (4); Gershom (16); Merari (19); Kohath (22); Aaron (49); Cities (57).

Chapter 7: Issachar (1); Benjamin (6); Naphtali (13); Manasseh (14); Ephraim (20); Asher (30).

Chapter 8: Benjamin (1); Saul and Jonathan (33).

Chapter 9: Who dwelt at Jerusalem (3); Saul and Jonathan’s posterity (39).

Chapter 10: Saul’s Death (4); Jabesh Gilead (12); Saul’s sin (13).

Chapter 11: David King (3); Joab wins Jebus (6); David’s Worthies (10).

Chapter 12: The Armies that came to David to Zicklag and Hebron (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 13: Ark brought home (7); Uzzah stricken (10); Obed-Edom blessed (14).

Chapter 14: Hiram’s kindness (1); David’s wives (3); Children (4); Victor over Philistines (11).

Chapter 15: Ark brought to Zion (3); Order of Priests (17); Michal despised David (19).

Chapter 16: David’s Sacrifice (1); Order of singing Psalms of thanks (4); Officers to attend on the Ark (37).

Chapter 17: David’s Son should build God’s house (11); His Prayer and thanks (16).

Chapter 18: David’s victories (1); Tou sends Presents (9); Dedicated to God (11); Garrisons in Edom (13).

Chapter 19: David’s messengers abused (4); The Ammonites and Syrians overcome (14); Shophach slain (18).

Chapter 20: Rabbah taken (1); Three Giants slain by David and his men (4).

Chapter 21: David’s numbering of the People (2); Punished (7); Ornan (15); Plague stays (27); David Sacrifices (28).

Chapter 22: David prepares for the Temple (3); Encouraged Solomon and the Princes (6).

Chapter 23: Number and order of Levites (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 24: 24 Orders of Priest by lot (18); Rest of the Levites (20).

Chapter 25: 24 Orders of Singers (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 26:  Division of Porters (1); Treasures (20); Officers and Judges (29).

Chapter 27:  12 Princes (1); Heads of Tribes (16); David’s Officers (25).

Chapter 28:  David’s exhortation to all the Princes (8); To Solomon (9); Gives pattern of all (11).

Chapter 29:  David’s bountiful offering (4); And so of the Princes (6); And People (9).


Chapter 1: Solomon Sacrifices at Gibeon (6); Asks wisdom (10); His wealth (15).

Chapter 2: Laborers for God’s house (2); Workmen and stuff from Hiram (11).

Chapter 3: Building (1); Measures and Ornaments (3); Cherubim (10); Vayle (14); Pillars (17).

Chapter 4: Altar (1); Sea (2); Ten Lavers (6); Candlesticks (7); Instruments of Gold and Brasse (16).

Chapter 5: Ark set in his place (6); Innumerable Sacrifices (6); Cloud filled house (13).

Chapter 6: Solomon’s Prayer (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 7: Fire from Heaven (1); Great Sacrifices (5); Feasts (8); Answer to Solomon’s prayer (12).

Chapter 8: Solomon’s Buildings (2); His Tributaries (7); Officers (10); Sacrifices (12); Levites (14); Navy (18).

Chapter 9: Queen of Sheba (1); Solomon’s riches (13); His end (31).

Chapter 10: Rehoboam King (1); Ten Tribes revolt (16); Adoran killed (18); Rehoboam flees (18).

Chapter 11: Armies dismissed (4); cities fortified (5); Levites to Jerusalem (13); Rehoboam’s wives (18); Children (21).

Chapter 12: Rehoboam forsaking God is spoiled by Shishak (9); Repents (12); His end (16).

Chapter 13: Abijah overcomes Jeroboam (15); The number slain (17); Abijah’s end (21).

Chapter 14: Asa destroys Idolatry (3); Overcomes the Ethiopians (13); Great spoil (14).

Chapter 15: Azariah’s prophecy (2); All Israel swear to God (14); Maacah put down (16).

Chapter 16: Asa seeks help from Benhadad (2); Hanani prisoned (10); Sought Physicians (12).

Chapter 17: Jehoshaphat sent to teach (7); Feared (10); Exceeding great (12).

Chapter 18: Jehoshaphat joins with Ahab (1); Ramoth (3); Zedekiah (10); Micaiah (12); Ahab slain (34).

Chapter 19: Jehoshaphat reproved (2); Brought the people to God (4); Sends Judges (5); And Levites (8).

Chapter 20: His Fast (3); Prayer (6); Jahaziel’s prophecy (14); Beracha (26); Joined with Ahaziah (35).

Chapter 21: Jehoram slew his Brethren (4); Threats by Elijah (12); Bowels fall out (19).

Chapter 22: Ahaziah (1); Slain by Jehu (9); Athaliah; 10 Joash saved from death (11).

Chapter 23: Jehoiadah makes Joash King (11); Athaliah slain 15. Covenant (16).

Chapter 24: Joash repairs Temple (4); Jehoiadah’s honorable burial (16); Joash slays Zechariah (21); Is slain (24).

Chapter 25: Amaziah (1); Hired Israel (6); Dismissed; the spoil (13); Edom overcome (14); Is overcome (22).

Chapter 26:  Uzziah (1); Becomes a Leper for offering incense (20).

Chapter 27:  Jotham prospers (6); Overcomes the Ammonites (5).

Chapter 28:  Ahaz burnt his children (3); Sore afflicted (5); Israel restores the captives (14).

Chapter 29:  Hezekiah (1); Restores religion (2); Sacrifices (22).

Chapter 30:  Passover (13); Great rejoicing (26).

Chapter 31:  Idolatry destroyed (1); Orders of Priests and Levites (2); His sincerity (20).

Chapter 32:  Sennacherib’s blasphemy (14); Is destroyed (21); Hezekiah’s sickness (24); Pride (25); Humbled (26).

Chapter 33:  Manasseh (1); Captive (11); Humbled (12); reformed (15); Amon slain (24).

Chapter 34:  Josiah reformed (3); Book read (18); Huldah (23); Covenant (31).

Chapter 35:  Passover (1); Josiah slain (24); Lamentations of Jeremiah (25).

Chapter 36:  Jehoaz captive in Egypt (4); Jehoiakim (5); Jehoiacin (9); Zedekiah.


Chapter 1: Cyrus proclamation for building God’s house (1); All the vessels delivered (7).

Chapter 2: Number that return (1); Priests that could not show their Pedigree (62).

Chapter 3: Altar set up (3); Offerings (4); Foundation laid with joy and mourning; (10).

Chapter 4: The Adversaries procure letters from Artaxerxes to hinder the building; (23).

Chapter 5: Haggai stirs up to build (1); Tatnai writes to Darius to hinder it (6).

Chapter 6: Darius promotes the building (6); Temple finished (14); Dedicated (16); Passover (19).

Chapter 7: Ezra with letters from Artaxerxes goes to Jerusalem (6); Blesses God (27).

Chapter 8: Who came to Jerusalem (8); A fast (21); Treasure delivered (25); Weighed (33).

Chapter 9: Ezra fasts and prays (6).

Chapter 10: Removing of strange wives (19); Their names (20).


Chapter 1: Nehemiah fasts for Jerusalem (4); Prays for favor with the King. Vers. 11.

Chapter 2: Artaxerxes grant to Nehemiah (6); He views Jerusalem (22); Incites to build (17).

Chapter 3: Names who built (8); And where (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 4: Enemies scoff (2); And conspire (8); Nehemiah prayed; Armed (13); Encouraged (20).

Chapter 5: Oppressors rebuked (7); Covenant of restitution (11); Nehemiah’s Hospitality (17).

Chapter 6: Samballat with others hinder the building (9); Wall finished (15).

Chapter 7: Genealogy of all that returned (6); Their substance (66); Gifts to the treasury (70).

Chapter 8: The reading of the Law (3); Not to mourn (10); Feast of Tabernacles (16).

Chapter 9: A solemn Fast (1); Their prayer (6).

Chapter 10: Names of those that covenant (1); And what (29).

Chapter 11: Who dwelt at Jerusalem (1); And who in other Cities (20).

Chapter 12: Priests and Levites (1); Dedication of the wall (27); Officers appointed (44).

Chapter 13: Chambers cleansed (4); Tithes (10); Sabbath (15); Strange wives reformed; (23).


Chapter 1: Ahasuerus Feast (3); Vashti deposed (21); Husbands authority (22).

Chapter 2: Esther Queen (17); Mordecai discovers treason (21).

Chapter 3: Haman advanced (1); Is despised by Mordecai (2); Seeks the Jews destruction (6).

Chapter 4: Mordecai mourns (1); Esther after three days fast resolves to go to the King (16).

Chapter 5: Esther finds favor (2); Bids the King to two banquets (4); Gallows for Mordecai (14).

Chapter 6: Ahasuerus commands Haman to honor Mordecai (10); His fall foretold (13).

Chapter 7: Esther accuses Haman (6); He is hanged on the gallows prepared for Mordecai; (10).

Chapter 8: Mordecai advanced (2); Letters sent on behalf of the Jews (11); Their joy (16).

Chapter 9: Jews slay their enemies (2); Another day (13); Purim feasting (20).

Chapter 10: Ahasuerus his greatness (2); Mordechai’s advancement (3).


Chapter 1: Job great (3); Godly (5); Satan destroys all his estate (19); Job blesses God (21).

Chapter 2: Satan smites Job’s body (7); He reproves his wife (10); Three friends lament (12).

Chapter 3: Job curses bitterly (3); Weary of his life (20).

Chapter 4: Eliphaz reproves Job’s hypocrisy (6); God’s judgments on the wicked; (8).

Chapter 5: Miseries of wicked (2); God’s chastisements (17); Godly happy (18).

Chapter 6: Job’s complaint of his affliction (2); And of his friends (15).

Chapter 7: Short life (1); And miserable (4); Complaint against God (12); Confesses his sin (20).

Chapter 8: Bildad charges Job of wickedness (6); Misery of Hypocrites (13); Righteous blessed (20).

Chapter 9: Job confesses God’s justice (1); And power (5); Condemns himself (20); Innocent afflicted (30).

Chapter 10: Job’s complaint to God of his sore affliction (1); Craves some ease (20).

Chapter 11: Zophar accuses him of wickedness (3); God wise (6); Benefit of repentance (13).

Chapter 12: Job’s defense (3); God’s mighty power (7).

Chapter 13: Their partiality (7); His confidence (15); Pleads with God; (23).

Chapter 14: Short life (1); Unrecoverable (2); Waits for his change (14); Man through sin decays (16).

Chapter 15: Eliphaz condemns Job (2); Man unclean (14); Wicked cursed (24).

Chapter 16: Job blames their unmercifulness (2); His woeful case (7); Witness (19).

Chapter 17: Their sin (2); And ignorance (4); Righteous not dismayed (9); His hope in death (11).

Chapter 18: Bildad reproves Job’s impatiency (2); Calamities of the wicked (5).

Chapter 19: Job blames their cruelty (2); His sore vexations (8); Hope of resurrection (25).

Chapter 20: Zophar (1); Joy of Hypocrites short (5); Their wretched estate (7).

Chapter 21: Job shows the wicked’s prosperity (7); Yet destroyed (17); One dies (23); judgment (30).

Chapter 22: Eliphaz accuses Job (5); Exhorts to repentance (21); With promise of mercy; (23).

Chapter 23: Job appeals to God (3); His confidence (10); Innocence (11); God’s decree unchangeable (13).

Chapter 24: Most wicked prosper till death (1); Then their woe (17).

Chapter 25: Bildad shows God’s majesty (2); None just before him (4).

Chapter 26:  Job blames Bildad (2); Acknowledges God’s power unsearchable (5).

Chapter 27:  Job’s confidence (4); And innocence (6); Hypocrites hope (8); Their blessings to curses (14).

Chapter 28:  There is a natural knowledge (1); But wisdom surpasses (12); Which is the fear of God (28).

Chapter 29:  Job bemoans his former prosperity (2); His holy life (12).

Chapter 30:  Job’s prosperity turned to adversity (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 31:  Job makes a solemn protestation of his integrity (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 32:  Elihu reproves Job and his three friends; 2 (3); His zeal to speak (18).

Chapter 33:  He challenges Job (5); Defends God’s proceeding (12).

Chapter 34:  He charges Job (5); All God’s ways just (12); Man must be humbled to God (31).

Chapter 35:  Man’s good or evil touches not God (3); Many cry and not heard (12).

Chapter 36:  God’s ways just (6); Job’s sin hinders God’s blessing (17); God’s works to be magnified (24).

Chapter 37:  God is to be feared for his works (1); His wisdom unsearchable (15).

Chapter 38:  God convinces Job by his mighty works of ignorance and frailty.

Chapter 39:  God’s works in sundry creatures is wonderful (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 40:  Job’s humiliation (4); Job’s weakness (9); Behemoth (15).

Chapter 41:  God’s great power in the Leviathan (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 42:  Job yields (6); His three friends pardoned (9); His restoring (10); Age (16); Death (17).


Chapter 1: The happiness of the godly (1); Unhappiness of the ungodly (4).

Chapter 2: Enemies of Christ’s Kingdom (1); Rulers must kiss the Son (12).

Chapter 3: Security under God’s protection (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 4: Exhortation to repentance (4); Joy in God’s favor (7).

Chapter 5: Prayer in confidence for the godly against the wicked (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 6: Complaint of sore sickness (2); Triumph against enemies (10).

Chapter 7: Prayer for defense (1); Comfort against enemies (10).

Chapter 8: God’s glory (1); In man’s dignity by creation (5); And in Christ (6).

Chapter 9: Thanks for deliverance (1); God’s judgments right (4); Prayer for his (13); Against enemies (19).

Chapter 10: Pride of wicked (2); Prayer against them (12); With confidence (16).

Chapter 11: Confidence against wicked (1); God loves the righteous (7).

Chapter 12: Help Lord (1); God defends his from the wicked (5); God’s word as silver (6).

Chapter 13: How long (1); His fervent desire (3); And confidence (5).

Chapter 14: The Fool (1); None good (3); Eate up my people (4); Israel shall be glad (7).

Chapter 15: Who shall dwell (1); The upright in heart and life (2).

Chapter 16: The Lord is my portion (5); Hope of resurrection (10); And life Eternal (11).

Chapter 17: Prayer to be delivered from Enemies (8); Their prosperity and pride (10); His hope (15).

Chapter 18: Thanks for Victories and other blessings (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 19: God’s glory in his creatures (1); Excellency of the word (7); Prayer for grace (14).

Chapter 20: Prayer for the King (1); Confidence in God (5); Some in Chariots (7).

Chapter 21: Thanks for victory (1); Confidence for further success (7).

Chapter 22: Prayer in great affliction (1); A type of Christ (6); Thanks (23); Confidence (27).

Chapter 23: What blessed state under God’s protection (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 24: Who are true Christians (4); They must receive Christ (7).

Chapter 25: Prayer with confidence for grace (1); God’s goodness to his (12); Their afflictions (17).

Chapter 26:  Comfort of a good conscience (2); Appeal to God (6); Love to God’s house (8).

Chapter 27:  Faith in God nourished (1); And testified (3); Stir up to Prayer (14).

Chapter 28:  Fervent desire to be heard against enemies (2); With confidence (7).

Chapter 29:  Princes must glorify God (1); His power in thunder (4); Majesty and mercy (11).

Chapter 30:  Thanks for deliverance (1); Moment in anger (5); Turned my mourning (11).

Chapter 31:  Confidence in prayer in sore affliction (1); O how great is thy goodness (19).

Chapter 32:  Blessing in forgiveness (1); Confession (5); Pardon (5); Instruct others (8); Joy of righteous (11).

Chapter 33:  Praises (1); God’s powerful providence (6); Confidence in God (20).

Chapter 34:  Stir up to thanks (1); Blessed that trust (8); Angels encamp (7); Favor to the righteous (19).

Chapter 35:  Prayer against enemies (1); Their ill rewarding (12); He moves God to mercy (17).

Chapter 36:  Wickedness of the wicked (1); God excellent in mercy (7); Prayer (10).

Chapter 37:  Fret not at the wicked’s prosperity (1); State of Righteous better in life and death (12).

Chapter 38:  Complaint of sore affliction (2); Confidence (15); And Prayer (21).

Chapter 39:  Shortness (5); And vanity of man’s life (6); Prayer for release (12).

Chapter 40:  David a type of Christ in confidence and obedience (6); Prayer against enemies (14).

Chapter 41:  Consider the Poor (1); Enemies reproach (5); Friends against him (9); Prayer with confidence (10).

Chapter 42:  Zeal to God’s house (4); Comforts himself with confidence in God’s help (8).

Chapter 43:  Prayer to be delivered from wicked (1); And restored to the Temple (3); Encourages himself (4).

Chapter 44:  God’s former mercies (1); Their present calamity (9); Yet constancy (17); Prayer for succor (23).

Chapter 45:  Song of Christ (2); And his Church (10).

Chapter 46:  Confidence in God’s presence (1); Exhortation to behold God’s works (8).

Chapter 47:  All people exhorted to entertain Christ’s Kingdom (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 48: Ornaments and privileges of the Church under the type of Zion (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 49:  Parable of the vanity of all earthly prosperity (4); Hope of Resurrection (15).

Chapter 50:  False and true worship (8, 14). Hypocrisy and true obedience (16, 23).

Chapter 51: David’s repentance (3); Prayer for the Church (18).

Chapter 52: Doeg’s sin (2); And destruction (5); Righteous rejoice at it (6); David’s confidence (9).

Chapter 53: None good (3); Fear where no fear (5); Comfort of the Faithful (6).

Chapter 54: Prayer to be delivered from wicked (1); And confidence for help (4).

Chapter 55: Sore affliction (4); Not mine enemy (12); Prayer with confidence (16).

Chapter 56: Like the former (1); In God will I praise his word (4); Thy vows are upon me (12).

Chapter 57: Prayer with confidence (3); My heart is fixed (7); Be thou exalted (11).

Chapter 58: Wicked Judges (1); Wicked as deaf Adder (4); Before your pots (9).

Chapter 59: Cruelty of enemies (2); Like dogs (6); Slay them not (11); But I will sing of thy power (16).

Chapter 60: Thou hadst cast us off (1); Now a Banner (4); Into Edom (9); Through God (12).

Chapter 61: Prayer with confidence from former mercies; 3 For the King prepare mercy (7).

Chapter 62: He is my rock (2); Wait on him (8); If riches increase; set not (10).

Chapter 63: My flesh longs for thee (1); Enemy fall (10); Godly rejoice (11).

Chapter 64: Preserve me (1); Whet tongues (3); God shall shoot (7); Righteous rejoice (10).

Chapter 65: Praise waits (1); Blessed whom thou choosest (4); God’s power (6); And goodness (9).

Chapter 66: God’s mighty works (3); Pay vows (13); If I regard iniquity (18).

Chapter 67: Prayer for increase of God’s Kingdom (1); And his blessings (6).

Chapter 68: Prayer for God’s favor to his people (3); Led Captivity captive (18).

Chapter 69: Save me (1); Zeal (9); Gall for meat (21); Out of Book (28); Thanks for deliverance (30).

Chapter 70: Prayer for speedy deliverance to the joy of the godly (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 71: His confidence (1); Enemies’ insolence (11); Forsake not when old (18).

Chapter 72: Prayer for Solomon; his a type of Christ’s Kingdom (1); Blesses God (18).

Chapter 73: Temptation overcome (17); Destruction of wicked (18); Whom have I (25).

Chapter 74: Sanctuary wasted (3); Prayer for help (10); Confidence in God’s power (13); And covenant (20).

Chapter 75: Thanks (1); Pride of wicked (5); Their destruction (7); Cup of wine (8).

Chapter 76: In Judah God is known (1); Vow and pay unto the Lord (11).

Chapter 77: Combat with distrust (7); Victory by meditation on God’s works (11).

Chapter 78: Story of God’s dealings with Israel (12); He chose Judah; 68. And David; Verse. 70.

Chapter 79: Defiled thy Temple (1); Prayer for help against enemies (8).

Chapter 80: Prayer for Church (3); Parable of a Vine (8).

Chapter 81: Exhortation to praise (1); Israel would none of me (11); O that my people (13).

Chapter 82: Judges exhorts (3); And reproved (5).

Chapter 83: Prayer against oppressors (9); Like Oreb and Zeeb (11).

Chapter 84: How pleasant (1); Blessed in God’s house (4); One day better (10).

Chapter 85: Turn us O God (4); He will speak peace (8); Mercy and truth meet (10).

Chapter 86: Prayer for God’s favor (4); Complaint of proud (14); Desires a token (17).

Chapter 87: Glory of the Church (3); And of the members thereof (5).

Chapter 88: Complaint of sore afflictions with little or no mention of comfort; Throughout the whole.

Chapter 89: Praises for God’s mercies to his (1); I have found David (20); Yet afflicted (38).

Chapter 90: Shortness of life (10); Prayer for the right use (12).

Chapter 91: The exceeding felicity of the faithful (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 92: Sabbath Title; Thanks for God’s judgments and mercies; Throughout the whole.

Chapter 93: The Lord reigns in majesty (1); Holiness of God’s house (5).

Chapter 94: Vengeance against wicked (1); Chastised blessed (12); God defends his (22).

Chapter 95: Exhortations to thanks for God’s greatness and goodness (1); Not to tempt God (8).

Chapter 96: Exhortation to thanks (1); Give glory (7); He shall judge righteously (10).

Chapter 97: The Lord reigns (1); Majesty and holiness of God’s house (2).

Chapter 98: Sing a new Song (1); Let the Sea roar (7); Hills rejoice (8).

Chapter 99: The Lord reigns (1); Samuel among his Prophets (6).

Chapter 100: Exhortation to praise God for his greatness and goodness everlasting (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 101: Duties of a good Governor (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 102: Prayer for the afflicted (1); Praise unto God (21); As a vesture shalt thou change them (26).

Chapter 103: Thanks for God’s great benefits (1); And the continuance of them; Verse. 17;

Chapter 104: Praise of God’s majesty (1); And mercy (23); And wisdom in all his works (24).

Chapter 105: God’s goodness to Israel from Abraham’s time till Canaan (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 106: God’s mercies to Israel often provoking him (7); Phinehas zeal (30); Afflicted pray (47).

Chapter 107: God’s providence in all distresses (6); Thanks (8); Wise observe it (43).

Chapter 108: Awake my harp (2); Praises for subduing enemies (3); Gilead (8).

Chapter 109: Complaint against wicked (2); And prayer (6); Judas (8); Confidence (31).

Chapter 110: Kingdom (2); Priesthood (4); Conquest (5); And passion of Christ (7).

Chapter 111: Praise of God’s works (2); Of glory (3); And grace (7); Fear of the Lord (10).

Chapter 112: Great prosperity of the godly (2); Wicked gnash at it (10).

Chapter 113: Praise God for his greatness and goodness (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 114: Judah God’s Sanctuary (2); Jordan (3); Hills (4); Earth tremble at God’s presence (7).

Chapter 115: Not to us (1); Idols vain (5); Trust in God (9); He will bless (13).

Chapter 116: I love the Lord (1); What shall I render (12); Pay my vows (14).

Chapter 117: Exhortation to praise God for his mercy and truth forever (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 118: Praises for protection (6); Better to trust (8); Christ cornerstone (22).

Chapter 119: Excellency of the word (9); David’s heavenly meditation and practice (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 120: Wicked tongue (3); Woe is me that I sojourn in Mesech (5).

Chapter 121: Safety under God’s protection (3); Sun shall not smite thee (6).

Chapter 122: Rejoicing and prayer for Jerusalem the Church (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 123: As the eyes of a Maid wait (2); Prayer from contempt (3).

Chapter 124: If the Lord (1); Thanks for great deliverance (6).

Chapter 125: They that trust in the Lord safe (1); Wicked perish (5).

Chapter 126: Joy and thanks for return out of captivity (2); Sow in tears (5).

Chapter 127: Except the Lord build (1); Blessing of Children (3).

Chapter 128: Blessed that fear God (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 129: Many times afflicted Israel (1); Her haters cursed (5).

Chapter 130: Out of the depths (1); I wait for the Lord (5); Shall redeem Israel (8).

Chapter 131: Humility as a weaned child (2); Let Israel hope (3).

Chapter 132: Lord remember David (1); His care and prayer for the Ark (8); Promises to Zion (11).

Chapter 133: Communion of Saints blessed (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 134: Ministers exhorted to praise God (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 135: Praises of God’s mercy (4); Power (6); And judgments on Egypt (9); Og (11); Idols vain (16).

Chapter 136: Thanksgiving to God (1); His mercy endures forever (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 137: Profession in Babel (5); Edom (7); And Babel cursed (8).

Chapter 138: Praises of God’s mercies (1); And word (2); Confidence in God. Verse. 7.

Chapter 139: God’s all-seeing providence (7); I hate them that hate thee (21); Try me (23).

Chapter 140: Prayer for deliverance from wicked (1); Confidence (12).

Chapter 141: Prayer as incense (2); Let the righteous smite me (5); Mine eyes to thee (8).

Chapter 142: In trouble all comfort in Prayer (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 143: Prayer in affliction with confidence for grace (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 144: Praise and prayer (1); What is man (3); Blessed whose God is the Lord (15).

Chapter 145: God’s Kingdom glorious (12); And gracious (14); Holy in all his works (17).

Chapter 146: Trust not in Princes (3); God’s favors to his (5); Poor afflicted (9).

Chapter 147: Praises for God’s care general (3); And special (12); Statutes to Israel (19).

Chapter 148: Exhortations to all creatures to praise God (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 149: Praises for God’s love to his Church for sovereignty (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 150: Exhortations to all manner of praises by every living creature (Throughout the whole).


Chapter 1: Uses of Proverbs (2); If sins entice (10); Wisdom calls to repentance (20).

Chapter 2: Benefits of the word (1); To escape evil men and women (12).

Chapter 3: Gain of wisdom incomparable (2); Many special duties (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 4: Instruction of Parents (1); Fruit of wisdom (7); Way of wicked (14); Keep your heart; (23).

Chapter 5: Mischief by whoredom (4); Comforts of marriage (15); Wife loving and kind (19).

Chapter 6: Surety (1); Idle (5); Mischievous (12); Seven hateful (16); Law a light (23); Whore (24); Jealousy (34).

Chapter 7: Wisdom your sister (4); Allurements of whore (14); Danger by her (23).

Chapter 8: Excellency of wisdom (11); Hearken to her (32); Such as so do blessed (34).

Chapter 9: Wisdom’s Feast (2); And follies Banquet (17).

Chapter 10: Righteous and wicked (6); Wise and fool (13); Rich and poor (15); Tongue (20).

Chapter 11: Righteous and Wicked (5); Hypocrites (9); Surety (15); Liberal (25).

Chapter 12: Righteous and Wicked (5); Fool (15); Lying (18), Slothful (24).

Chapter 13: Son (1); Sluggard (4); Righteous (5); Pride (10); Prudent (16); Word (13); Correction (24).

Chapter 14: Woman (1); Scorner (6); Fools (7); Presuming; 12 Labor (23); Fear of God (27); Sound heart (30).

Chapter 15: Tongue (2); Sacrifice of wicked (8); Good heart (14); Love (17); Folly (21); Counsel (22); Covet (27).

Chapter 16: Preparations of heart (1); Pride (5); Mercy and Truth (6); King (12); Wise (14); Good speech (24).

Chapter 17: Quiet (1); Servant (2); Speech (7); Gift (8); Reproof 10. Strife (14); Friend (17); Foolish son (25); silence (28).

Chapter 18: Foolish words (7); Sloth (9); Pride (12); Wounded spirit (14); Gift (16); Lot (18); Offended (19); Wife; Vers. 22

Chapter 19: Rash (2); Poor (4); Fals witness (5); Wife (13); Chastise (18); Wrath (19); counsel (20); slothful (24); scorner (25).

Chapter 20: Wine (1); King (2); Sluggard (4); Child (11); Buyer (14); Counsel (18); Curse (20); Revenge (22); Age (29); Wound (30).

Chapter 21: King’s heart (1); Justice (3); Pride (4); Contentiō (9); Gift (14); Pastime (17); Silence (23); Sloth (25).

Chapter 22: Good name (1); Prudent (3); Child (6); Sow Iniquity (8); Rod (15); Friendship (24); Surety-ship (26).

Chapter 23: Temperancy (1); riches flee (4); correction (13); Wise so (15); riotous (20); buy truth (23); whore (27); wine (30).

Chapter 24: Envy not (1); Wise (5); Counsel (6); Honey (13); lust all seven times (16); Fear God and King (21).

Chapter 25: King (1); Word in season (11); Vain confidence (14); Feed enemy (21); Bad wife (24); Vainglory (27).

Chapter 26:  Curse (2); Fools (3); Sloth (13); Busybody (17); Contention (21); Hatred (24); Tongue (28).

Chapter 27:  Boast not (1); Envy (4); Friend (6); Prudent (12); Dropping (15); Fool (22); Thrift (23); Honor (24).

Chapter 28:  Many Princes (2); Wicked (3); Usury (8); Hide sin (13); Prince (16); Rebuke (23); Liberality (27).

Chapter 29:  King (4); Scorner (8); Wise (11); Correction (15); No Vision (18); Servant (19); Angry (22); Abomination (27).

Chapter 30: Agur’s poverty nor riches (8); Four generations (11); Many secrets and wonders (18); Stately (29).

Chapter 31:  Lemuel (1); Mercy & justice (9); Virtuous wife (10).


Chapter 1: All Vanity (2); Nothing new (10); King tried all (12); Much wisdom much grief (17).

Chapter 2: Pleasures (1); Buildings (4); Possessions vain (7); One end to all (15); Labor (22).

Chapter 3: Season for all (1); God’s work perfect (14); Just and unjust judged (17); Man and beast one condition (19).

Chapter 4: Oppression (1); Envy (4); Two better (9); Foolish King (13); Second child (15).

Chapter 5: Look to your foot (1); Vows. 2. Oppress (8); Riches (10); Right use of earthly (18).

Chapter 6: No use of goods (2); Children (3); Age (6); Wandering desires (9); What shall be (10).

Chapter 7: Good name (1); Mourning (2); Patience (8); Wisdom (11); Over just (16); Wicked woman (26).

Chapter 8: King (2); God’s Providence (6); Sinner not prosper (12); Use of God’s blessings (15).

Chapter 9: Like to all (2); Life and death (3); Comfort of Earthly (7); Wise poor man (15).

Chapter 10: Dead flies (1); Folly in Ruler (5); Speech (12); King a child (16); Curse not the King (20).

Chapter 11: Bread on waters (1); Sowing (4); Rejoice O young man (9).

Chapter 12: In youth remember (1); Preacher’s care (9); Words as goads (11); Fear of God (13).


Chapter 1: Church’s love (4); Deformity (5); Christ’s love and commendation (9); Both joy (12).

Chapter 2: Mutual love (2); Hope and calling of the Church (8); Christ’s care (14); Church’s hope (16).

Chapter 3: Church’s temptation (1); Victory (4); She glories in Christ (6).

Chapter 4: Christ commends (1); And shows love (8); Church prays for grace (16).

Chapter 5: Christ’s voice (1); Church awake (2); Seeks (6); Finds at last (7); Commends Christ (10).

Chapter 6: Church’s faith (2); Christ commends her (4); And his love to her (10).

Chapter 7: Christ commends her (1); Her Faith and desire to him (10).

Chapter 8: Her love to him (1); Jealousy (6); Gentiles called (8); She prays for his coming (14).


Chapter 1: Ox (3); No soundness (6); Small remnant (9); Sacrifices hated (11); Wash (16); Judgments (20).28.

Chapter 2: Law on Zion (3); Lofty looks (11); Idols cast to the Moules (20).

Chapter 3: Staff of bread (1); Judah fallen (8); Well with the righteous (10); Oppression (12); Pride of women (16).

Chapter 4: Seven women (1); Comfort by Christ’s Kingdom (2); Spirit of burning (4).

Chapter 5: Song of vineyard (1); Woe to covet (8); Riot (11); Oppression (23); Hiss for a nation (26).

Chapter 6: Seraphims (2); Send me (8); Make fat (10); A tenth shall return (13).

Chapter 7: Ahaz refuses a sign (12); Virgin conceive (13); Assyria a razor (20).

Chapter 8: Syria and Israel subdued by Assyria (4); Sanctify the Lord (13); To the Law (20).

Chapter 9: Unto us a Child is borne (6); Judgment on Israel for Pride (9); Hypocrisy (17); Impenitency (18).

Chapter 10: Woe to oppressing Assyria (12); The rod shakes itself (15); Remnant (20); As the sand (22); Promises of deliverance (25).

Chapter 11: Wolf and Lamb (6); Root of Jesse (10); Gentiles called and Jews restored (12, 16).

Chapter 12: Thanksgiving for God’s mercies (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 13: Desolation of Babylon (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 14: Mercy to Israel (1); Triumph over Babel (4); Assyria and Palestine threatened (25, 29).

Chapter 15: Burden of Moab (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 16: Moab exhorted (3); Threatened (7); Bewailed (9); The judgment thereof (14).

Chapter 17: Damascus and Ephraim threatened (1); Woe to the enemies of God’s people (12).

Chapter 18: Woe to Ethiopians (1); Gathered to Zion (7).

Chapter 19: Burden of Egypt (1); Princes fools (11); Their Calling (19); Union with Israel and Asshur (25).

Chapter 20: Reproachful Captivity of Egypt and Ethiopia by Assyria (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 21: Against Babylon (9); Edom (11); Arabia (13).

Chapter 22: Against Judah (4); Called to mourning (12); Shebna (15); Eliakim chosen (20).

Chapter 23: Against Tyre (1); Their conversion to God (18).

Chapter 24: Against all other Lands (1); Remnant shall praise God for his judgments (13).

Chapter 25: Thanksgiving (1); Feast of fat (6); All tears wiped away; (8).

Chapter 26:  Song of Salvation (1); Open the gates (2); Let mercy be shown (10); Other Lords (13).

Chapter 27:  God’s care for his Vineyard (3); In measure (8); Iniquity of Jacob purged (9); Trumpet blow (13).

Chapter 28:  Woe to the pride (1); Remnant (5); Vomiting (8); Line upon line (10); Stone in Zion (16); Providence (29).

Chapter 29:  Woe to Ariel (1); Spirit of sleep (10); Wise perish (14); Deaf shall hear (18); Promises (22).

Chapter 30:  Vain hope in Egypt (2); Obstinacy (10); Sweet promises (18); Judgments (27); Tophet (33).

Chapter 31:  Vain hope in Egypt (1); Egyptian men (3); Assyria fallen (8).

Chapter 32:  Blessing of Christ’s Kingdom (1); Desolation. 9. Restoring promised (15).

Chapter 33:  Judgments against enemies (1); Privileges of godly (15); Scribe (18); Our lawgiver (22).

Chapter 34:  God’s vengeance on the enemies of his Church (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 35:  Promises to the Church (1); Lame leap (6); Return promised; (10).

Chapter 36:  Rabseceth blasphemes (20); They answer him not (21).

Chapter 37:  Hezekiah’s prayer (15); Sennacherib’s judgment; 24; Promises to Zion (30); Sennacherib slain (38).

Chapter 38:  Hezekiah sick (1); Prayer (3); Fifteen years (5); Sun goes back (8); Thanksgiving; (9).

Chapter 39:  Hezekiah shows his treasures (2); Isaiah tells him all shall be carried to Babel (6).

Chapter 40:  Voice of a crier (3); All flesh grass (6); Gospel (9); God’s omnipotence (12); Comforts to Jacob (28).

Chapter 41:  God’s greatness (4); Vanity of Idols (7); God’s merciful promises (10); Idols vain abomination (22).

Chapter 42:  Christ’s office (1); Meekness (3); Thanks for the Gospel (10); People’s incredulity (20) Disobedience (23).

Chapter 43:  Promises of deliverance (2); Out of Babel (5); Their sin (22); His mercy (25).

Chapter 44: Promises (3); Folly of Idol-makers (9); Exhortation to turn (22); Thanks for God’s mercy and power; (23).

Chapter 45:  Cyrus (1); God alone (5); His power (7); Mercy to his (15); Idols vain (16); Every knee bow to God; (23).

Chapter 46:  Babel’s Idols (1); God saves his to the end (3); Idols cannot help (7).

Chapter 47:  God’s vengeance on the Chaldeans for cruelty (6); Pride (7); Not resistible (11).

Chapter 48:  Israel’s obstinacy (4); For my own sake (11) He teaches to profit (17); O that you had (18); Go out of Babel (20).

Chapter 49:  Christ refused (4); Sent to Gentiles (6); Promises (8); Restoration of Church (18); Kings nursing fathers (23).

Chapter 50:  The Jews forsaken is of themselves (1); Christ able and willing to save (2); His obedience and suffering (5); Trust (10).

Chapter 51: Exhortation to hearken to Christ (1); His power to save (9); Israel’s affliction (17); Deliverance (22).

Chapter 52: Exhortation to obedience (6); To receive the Ministers (7); How beautiful (7); Christ’s Kingdom exalted (13).

Chapter 53: Christ’s sufferings (4); The success thereof; (10).

Chapter 54: Church increased (1); Safety (4); Certain deliverance (7); Beauty; 11; Preservation (14).

Chapter 55: Calling to believe (1); And repent (6); Their happiness (12).

Chapter 56: Exhortation to holiness (1); Sabbath (2); Eunuchs (4); Blind watchmen (10); Greedy dogs (11).

Chapter 57: Blessed death of Righteous (1); Whorish Idolaters (3); Promise to contrite (15); No peace (21).

Chapter 58: Hypocrites fast (3); Promise to godliness (8); And to keeping the Sabbath (13).

Chapter 59: Fruit of Sin (2); Salvation from God alone (16); Spirit not depart (21).

Chapter 60: Church’s glory by the Gentiles (3); And rich blessings thereon after afflictions (15).

Chapter 61: Christ’s office (1); Precious promises (4); The blessed seed (9); Robe of righteousness; (10).

Chapter 62: Promises (2); Ministers office to preach (6); And prepare for Christ; (10).

Chapter 63: Christ’s victory (1); Mercy to his (7); Church’s prayer (15); Made us err (17).

Chapter 64: Church’s prayer (1); And thanks (8); Their affliction; (10).

Chapter 65: Gentiles called (1); Jews rejected (2); Remnant (8); Wicked plagued (12); Godly blessed (13).

Chapter 66: Humble blessed (2); Hypocrites cursed (3); Comforts to faithful (10); Judgments (15); Gentiles called (19).


Chapter 1: Jeremiah’s calling (5); Visions (11); Judgments against Judah (15); Be not dismayed (17).

Chapter 2: God’s kindness (2); Their revolt (5); Two evils (13); Calamities Idol (15); Presumption (35).

Chapter 3: Yet return (1); Judah worse than Israel (8); Promises (12); As a wife (20); Confession of sin (23).

Chapter 4: Return (1); Swear (2); Follow (3); Judgments (7); Wash your heart (14); My bowels (19); Great desolation; (23).

Chapter 5: Find a man (1); Great man (5); Adultery (7); Impiety (11); Contempt of God (19); All states corrupted (26).

Chapter 6: Jerusalem visited for her sins (6); Peace (14); Old way (16); Incense abomination (20); Sword from North (22).

Chapter 7: Temple (4); Shiloh (14); Pray not (16); Queen of heaven (18); They will not hear (27); Tophet (32).

Chapter 8: Death chosen (3); Sins (5); We are wise (8); Ashamed (9); Healed hurt (11); No balm (22).

Chapter 9: Lamentation for sin (1); And judgment (10); Not to glory in man (23); Jerusalem heaps (11).

Chapter 10: God not as Idols (6); His power (12); Pastors; brutish (21); Correct in judgment (24).

Chapter 11: Breakers of Covenant cursed (3); Pray not (14); Like a Lamb (19); Anathoth; (23).

Chapter 12: Wicked’s prosperity (2); Treachery of his Brethren (6); Heritage forsaken (10); Return (16).

Chapter 13: Linen girdle (4); Every bottle filled (12); King humble (18); Can the Ethiopian; (23).

Chapter 14: Famine (1); Pray not (11); False Prophets perish (15); Jeremiah bewails them (17).

Chapter 15: Though Moses (1); Rejection (2); Their spite (10); Jeremiah’s prayer (15); Favor promised (19).

Chapter 16: Jews ruin (4); Worse than Fathers (12); Fishers (16); Hunters (16); Double for idolatry (18).

Chapter 17: Captivity for sin (4); Vain crust (5); Who blessed (7); Mockers (15); Sabbath (21).

Chapter 18: Potter (2); Judgments for idolatry (11); Jeremiah prays against his enemies (19).

Chapter 19: Vessel broken (10); So is Judah (11); City defiled as Tophet (13).

Chapter 20: Pashur (1); Jeremiah’s complaint (7); Confidence (11); Thanks (13); Cursing (14).

Chapter 21: Answer to Zedekiah of his destruction (4); And of the Kings house (11).

Chapter 22: Exhort to repentance (3); Promises (4); Threats (5); Shallum (11); Jehoiakim (18); Coniah (24).

Chapter 23: Promises (3); The Lord our righteousness (6); Against false Prophets (13); Burden of the Lord (33).

Chapter 24: Figs good and bad (2); Captives restored (6); Zedekiah and the rest destroyed; (8).

Chapter 25: Preaching of the Prophets despised (3); After 70. years Babels desolation (12); Cup of wine to all (15).

Chapter 26:  Jeremiah taken (8); And acquitted (16); Example of Micah (18); Uriah slain (23); Ahikam (24).

Chapter 27:  Bonds sent to the Nations (3); To Zedekiah (12); False Prophets (14); Vessels go to Babel (22).

Chapter 28:  Hananiah’s false Prophecy (2); Breaks Jeremiah’s yoke (10); Iron yoke (13); Hananiah dies (17).

Chapter 29:  Jeremiah writes to Babel (4); After 70 return (10); Ahab and Zedekiah (21); Shemaiah (24).

Chapter 30:  A Book written of return (2); Which shall be gracious (10); Many promises (18).

Chapter 31:  Promises (2); Rahel (15); Ephraim repented (18); Christ (22); New covenant (31); Stable (35); Church (38).

Chapter 32:  Jeremiah prisoned (2); Buys a field. 9. His prayer (17); Captivity (28); Return (37); Precious promises (40).

Chapter 33:  Return (7); Promises (8); Christ our righteousness (15); Covenant stable (20).

Chapter 34:  Captivity threatened (2); Servants set free (10); Return (11); Judgment denounced (17).

Chapter 35:  Rechabites (2); Jews’ disobedience (14); Threatened (17); Rechabites blessed (19).

Chapter 36:  Baruch writes (4); And reads the Roll (10); King burns it (23); A new copy (32).

Chapter 37:  Zedekiah sends to Jeremiah to pray (4); Chaldeans shall return (8); Jeremiah imprisoned (15); Favor (21).

Chapter 38:  Dungeon (6); Ebed-Melech (11); Zedekiah confers with him (14); Which is concealed (27).

Chapter 39:  Jerusalem taken (2); Zedekiah’s eyes put out (7); Poor left (10); Favor to Jeremiah (12); Ebed-Melech delivered (16).

Chapter 40:  Jeremiah goes to Gedaliah (6); So the Jews also (8); Ishmael’s conspiracy (14); Not believed (16).

Chapter 41:  Gedaliah slain (2); Ishmael escapes (15); Johanan minds to go to Egypt (17).

Chapter 42:  Johanan seeks counsel (2); Their dissimulation (20); Threatened to perish (22).

Chapter 43:  All go to Egypt (7); Jeremiah prophesies Egypt’s ruin by Nebuchadnezzar (11).

Chapter 44: Idolatry in Egypt threatened (11); We will not obey; 16; Judgments (26); Egypt threatened (30).

Chapter 45: Baruch dismayed (3); Is comforted (4).

Chapter 46: Against Egypt (2); Comforts to God’s people (27).

Chapter 47: Destruction of the Philistines (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 48: Moabites fall (1); And rising again (47).

Chapter 49: Ammon (2); Edom (8); Damascus (23); Kedar (28); Hazor (30); Elam restored (39).

Chapter 50: Babel’s destruction (2); Israel delivered (34).

Chapter 51: Babel’s fall (4); Seraiah casts the writing into Euphrates in token thereof (63).

Chapter 52: Jerusalem taken (7); Zedekiah’s eyes put out (11); Jerusalem burnt (13); Jehoiakim advanced (32).


Chapter 1: Jerusalem’s misery for sin (8); Remembered her pleasures (15); God righteous (18).

Chapter 2: Jeremiah laments (1); Complains to God of their miseries (20).

Chapter 3: Complaint (1); Hope (24); Confession (42); Prayer for deliverance (55); And vengeance (64).

Chapter 4: Zion’s complaint (1); Confession (13); Edom threatened (21); Zion comforted (22).

Chapter 5: A pitiful complaint of Zion in Prayer to God (Throughout the whole).


Chapter 1: The vision of four Cherubims (4); Of the four wheels (15); Of the glory of God (26).

Chapter 2: Ezekiel’s Commission (3); Instruction (6); Roll full of woes; (9).

Chapter 3: Roll eaten (2); He is encouraged (4); Watchman (17); Mouth shut and opened (26, 27).

Chapter 4: Type of a siege (1); His provision showed the sore famine; (9).

Chapter 5: Type of hair (1); Judgments on Jerusalem for rebellion; Sword famine scattering (12).

Chapter 6: Destruction of Israel (3); A Remnant blessed; 8; Faithful lament their calamity (11).

Chapter 7: End is come (2); Remnant mourn (16); Sanctuary defiled (20); Chaine for Captivity; (23).

Chapter 8: In a Vision Imagery at Jerusalem (5); At Tamuz (14); Worship the Sun (16); God’s vengeance (18).

Chapter 9: Mourners marked (4); Rest destroyed (5); God will not be entreated; (10).

Chapter 10: Vision of Cherubims and coal of fire; Throughout the whole.

Chapter 11: Wicked Princes (1); Ezekiel’s prayer (13); Remnant saved (16); Wicked plagued (21); Ezekiel to Chaldea (24).

Chapter 12: Ezekiel’s removing a type of the Captivity (3); His trembling a type (19); Vision is near (28).

Chapter 13: Lying Prophets (2); Untempered mortar (10); Sow pillows (18); Judgments (20).

Chapter 14: Idolaters in heart (3); Repentance enjoined (6); If Noah; etc. 14. Four judgments (21); Remnant (22).

Chapter 15: The Vine tree unfit for use (4); So Jerusalem rejected (6).

Chapter 16: God’s love to Israel (6); Child in blood (9); Jerusalem’s whoredom (15); Sodom and Samaria (46); Covenant (60).

Chapter 17: Two Eagles (2); Princes led Captive to Babel (12); Cedar of the Gospel planted (22).

Chapter 18: Parable of sour grapes (2); Sinner die (4); Just escape (9); God’s way equal (25); He loves not the death (32).

Chapter 19: Lions whelps taken (4); Jerusalem a Vine wasted (12).

Chapter 20: God will not answer (3); Rebellions from Egypt to Canaan (6); Promises of Restoration (34).

Chapter 21: Jerusalem destroyed (47); Sighing (6); Sharp sword (9); Two ways (16); Ierusalē & Ammon destroyed by the Chaldeans (20).

Chapter 22: Many sins of Jerusalem (3); Furnace (18); False Prophets (25); All states corrupted (30).

Chapter 23: Aholah and Aholibah (4); Shameful adulteries (20); Fearful judgments (46).

Chapter 24: Jerusalem a seething pot (3); Quite burnt (9); Ezekiel not mourning for his wife a sign (24).

Chapter 25: Against Ammon (3); Moab (8); Edom (12); Philistines (15).

Chapter 26:  Tyrus sacked by Nebuchadnezzar (4); Princes of the Sea tremble at her fall (15).

Chapter 27:  Riches of Tyre by Merchandize (3); Her sore fall (27).

Chapter 28:  Prince of Tyre’s pride (2); And fall (7); Against Zidon (21); Israel restored (24).

Chapter 29:  Egypt destroyed (9); Restored (13); Base Kingdom (14); Nebuchadnezzar’s reward (20); Israel restored (24).

Chapter 30:  Desolation of Egypt by Babel (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 31:  Glory of Assyria (3); The fall thereof for pride (10); The like destruction of Egypt (18).

Chapter 32:  Lamentation for Egypt (2); The fall of the other uncircumcised Nations (18).

Chapter 33:  Watchman (2); God’s just dealing (20); Jerusalem smitten (21); Prophet mockers (30).

Chapter 34:  Ill Shepherds (2); God keeps his sheep (10); Fat (16); Christ promised (23).

Chapter 35:  Against Mont Zeir for hatred of Israel (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 36:  Promises for restoring Israel (3); Of Christ’s Kingdom (25).

Chapter 37:  Dry bones revived (10); Two sticks united (16); Of Christ’s Kingdom (22).

Chapter 38:  Against Gog for invading Israel (3); Fearefull plagues (18).

Chapter 39:  Israel’s victory over Gog (2); Hamon Gog (11); Fear (17); Israel plagued (23); Restored (25).

Chapter 40:  Ezekiel’s vision of the gates (6); Tables (39); Chambers (44); Porch (48).

Chapter 41:  Measures; Parts; Chambers and Ornaments of the Temple (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 42:  Chambers of the Priests (13); Their uses (14); Outward Court (19).

Chapter 43: Vision (2); Exhortation to Repentance (10); Observation of the law of the house (11); Altar (18).

Chapter 44: East gate for the Prince (3); No uncircumcised (7); Sons of Zadok (15); Ordinances for Priests (17).

Chapter 45: Land for the Sanctuary (1); City (6); Prince (7); Ordinances for Sacrifices (13); And Feasts (21).25.

Chapter 46: Orders for Prince and People (1); His Inheritance (16); Courts for boiling and baking (20).

Chapter 47: Waters increasing (1); Their virtue (8); Borders and division of the Land by lot (13).

Chapter 48: Portions of the 12 Tribes (1); Sanctuary (8); City (15); Prince (21); Measures for 12. Gates (30).


Chapter 1: Daniel with three others prosper with Pulse (15); King found none like wise (19).

Chapter 2: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream forgot (5); Told (31); Interpreted by Daniel (37); His advancing (48).

Chapter 3: Three young men preserved in the Fire (25); King blesses God (28); Makes a Decree (29).

Chapter 4: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (5); Daniel interprets it (20); King as a Beast (33).

Chapter 5: Balshazar sees an Handwriting (5); Daniel reads it (25); Monarchy to the Medes (31).

Chapter 6: Daniel preserved in the Lions’ den (22), Enemies devoured (24); Darius’ decree (26).

Chapter 7: Vision of four Beasts (3), Christ’s kingdom (9), Interpretation of all (17).

Chapter 8: Visions of the Ram and Goat (3), Interpretation of the same (20).

Chapter 9: Daniel fasts and prays (3), Gabriel informs him of the 70 Weeks (24).

Chapter 10: Daniel sees a Vision (5); Fears (8); Is comforted (11).

Chapter 11: Persians overcome by Greeks (2); Kings of North and South (15); Romans (30).

Chapter 12: Michael delivers God’s people (1); Daniel is informed of the times (5).


Chapter 1: Judgments against Syria (3); Philistia; (6) Tyre (9); Edom (11); Ammon (13).

Chapter 2: Against Moab (1); Judah (4); Israel (6); God’s benefits (9); Their sin (13); and Punishment (14).

Chapter 3: God’s righteous judgments for Israel’s Sin (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 4: Reproof for Oppression (1); Idolatry (4); Incorrigeablenesse (6).

Chapter 5: Lamentation for Israel (2); Exhortation to Repentance (4); Hypocritical service rejected (21).

Chapter 6: Israel’s wantonness plagued with desolation (7); Their incorrigeableness (12).

Chapter 7: Grasshoppers (1); Fire (4); Plumbline (7); Amaziah (10); God’s judgments against him (16).

Chapter 8: Israel’s end by a Basket of fruit (1); Oppression (4); Famine of the Word (11).

Chapter 9: Certain desolation (1); David’s Tabernacle restored (11).

Chapter 10: Judgments against Edom for Pride (3); Wrong to Jacob (10); Salvation to Zion (17).


Chapter 1: Jonah flying from God (3); Is cast into the Sea (15); Swallowed by a Fish (17).

Chapter 2: Prayer out of the Fishes belly (2); Deliverance thereupon (10).

Chapter 3: Preaches at Nineveh (4); They repent (5); God spares them (10).

Chapter 4: Jonah repining at God’s mercy is reproved by the similitude of a Gourd (10).


Chapter 1: GOD’S wrath against Jacob for Idolatry (7); Exhortation to Mourning (16).

Chapter 2: Oppression (2); Lamentation (4); Jacob restored; Verses 12.

Chapter 3: Princes cruelty (2); Prophets falsehood (5); Both secure (11); Zion plowed (12).

Chapter 4: Churches glory (1); Peace (3); Kingdom (8); and Victory; Verses 13.

Chapter 5: Christ’s birth (2); Kingdom (4); Conquest; Verses 8.

Chapter 6: God’s controversy for Unkindness (4); Ignorance (6); Injustice (10); And Idolatry; Verses 16.

Chapter 7: Church complains (1); Trusts in God (7); Triumphs (8); She is comforted (14).


Chapter 1: God’s glory; power and goodness to his; and wrath against the wicked (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 2: God’s fearful and victorious Armies against Nineveh (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 3: Miserable ruin of Nineveh compared with No in Egypt (8).


Chapter 1: Complaint of Sin (3); Punishment by the Chaldeans against the wicked (6).

Chapter 2: Live by Faith (4); Chaldeans plagued for many Sins (5).

Chapter 3: Habakkuk’s Prayer (1); God’s majesty (3); His trembling and rejoicing in God (16).


Chapter 1: God’s severe judgments against Judah for various sins (Throughout the whole).

Chapter 2: Exhortation to Repentance (1); Judgments against Philistines (4); Moab and Ammon (8); Ethiopia; 12 Assyria (13).

Chapter 3: Woe to Jerusalem (1); Wait on God for Salvation (8); and rejoice therein (14).


Chapter 1: Reproof for not building the Temple (4); Exhortation to build it (8); Promise of God’s assistance (13).

Chapter 2: Encouragements to build (4); The second Temple more glorious (9); Promises to Zerubabel (23).


Chapter 1: Exhortation to Repentance (3); Red Horses (8); Jealous for Jerusalem (14); Four horns and four Carpenters (18, 20).

Chapter 2: Jerusalem measured (2); Zion redeemed (7); Promises to Jerusalem (10).

Chapter 3: Joshua (1); Church restored (7); Christ the branch (8).

Chapter 4: Golden Candlestick (2); Zerubabels foundation (9); Two Olives, two anointed ones (12).

Chapter 5: Flying Roll (2); Curse of Thieves and Swearers (3); Ephah (6); Final damnation of Babylon (11).

Chapter 6: Four Chariots (1); Joshua crowned (11); Type of Christ the branch (12).

Chapter 7: Captives fasting reproved (5); Their sin was the cause of their Captivity (14).

Chapter 8: Promises for restoring Jerusalem (4); Exhortation to build (9); Obedience (21); Church increased (23).

Chapter 9: God defends his Church (1); Rejoice for Christ’s coming (9); Peace victory; defense (14).

Chapter 10: God gives rain not Idols (1); God visited his flock for Sin (5); Shows great favor (10).

Chapter 11: Destruction of Jerusalem (2); Shepherds (8); Staff of beauty and bands (10); Idol Shepherd (17).

Chapter 12: Jerusalem a-trembling (2); Judah victoriously restored (6); Great mourning (11).

Chapter 13: Fountain opened (1); False Prophets (2); Death of Christ (7); Trial of a third part (8).

Chapter 14: Jerusalem sore wasted (2); Enemy destroyed (12); Remnant restored (16); Spoils holy (20).


Chapter 1: Israel’s unkindness (6); Abuse of God’s worship (7); Prophanenesse (12); Snuffed (13).

Chapter 2: Reproof of Priests (2); Covenant with Levi (5); Judah’s Idolatry (11); Adultery (14); Infidelity (17).

Chapter 3: Christ’s messenger (1); Great sin of God’s people; 5 Provocations to Repent (7); Godly blessed (16).

Chapter 4: Wicked plagued (1); Godly blessed (2); Exhortation to remember the Law (4); Eliiahs coming (5).

Thus far the Old Testament.



Chapter 1: The Genealogy (1); Of Christ his Birth (18).

Chapter 2: Wise men (1); Egypt (13); Rachel (18); Nazareth (23).

Chapter 3: John Preached (1); Vipers (7); Baptized Christ (13).

Chapter 4: Christ tempted (1); Zebulon (13); Taught (17); Four called (18); Healed (23).

Chapter 5: Blessed (3); Salt (13); Light (14); Law (17); Kill (21); Altar (23); Adultery (27); Revenge (38); Love (43); Be perfect (45).

Chapter 6: Alms (1); Prayer (5); Fast (16); Treasure (19); Eye (22); Mammon (24); No thought (25).

Chapter 7: Mote (3); Dogs (5); Ask (7); Do (12); Gate (13); Tree (17); Lord (21); Rock (24); Sand (26).

Chapter 8: Leper (2); Centurion (5); Healed (16); Foxes (20); Sea (24); Gargarens (28).

Chapter 9: Palsy (2); Matthew (9); Fast (14); Ruler (18); Issue (20); Blind (27); Dumb (32); Healed (35); Harvest (37).

Chapter 10: Twelve (1); Sent (7); Sodom (15); Wife (16); Flee (23); Fear not (26); Denies (33); Lose (39); Prophet (41).

Chapter 11: John (2); Elias (14); Chorazin (21); Wise (25); Come to me (28); My yoke (29).

Chapter 12: Sabbath (1); Read (20); Belzebub (24); Vipers; 34 Jonah (39); Spirit (43); Mother (46).

Chapter 13: Sower (3); Parables (10); You see (13); Heart gross (15); Tares (24); Mustard seed (31); Leaven (33); Treasure (44); Pearls (44); Net (47); Scribe (52); Carpenter (54).

Chapter 14: Herodias (3); Healed (14); 5,000 fed (15); Christ prayed (22); Peter sinks (30); Touched hem (36).

Chapter 15: Wash (2); Lips (5); What defiles (11); Ditch (15); Canaanite (22); Dumb (30); 4,000 fed (32).

Chapter 16: Sign (1); Leaven (6); Peter (16); Keys (19); Satan (23); Winne world (26).

Chapter 17: Transfiguration (1); Elijah (10); Devil (14); Fasting (21); Christ betrayed (22); Tribute; Verse (24).

Chapter 18: Child (2); Offences (7); Tell him (15); Bind (18); Forgive (21); Cruel Servant (28).

Chapter 19: Divorce (3); Eunuchs (12); Children (13); Young man (16); Rich (23); An hundred-fold (29).

Chapter 20: Laborers (1); Penny (9); Christ fore-warns (17); Greatest (20); Two blind (30).

Chapter 21: Hosanna (9); Temple (12); Healed (14); Babes (16); Fig-tree (19); John (25); Two Sons (28); Vineyard (33); Stone (42).

Chapter 22: Wedding (2); Caesar (15); Resurrection (23); Commandment (36); Lord (44).

Chapter 23: Moses seat (2); Rabbi (8); Woes to Hypocrites (14); Swear (16); Pharisees tithe (23); Tombs (27); Hen (37).

Chapter 24: Signs (3); Wars (6); Love cold (12); False Christ’s (24); Noah (37); Sign of Son of man; 30 Watch (42); Servants (45).

Chapter 25: Virgins (1); Talents (14); Last Judgment (31).

Chapter 26: Ointment (6); Judas (14); Passover (17); One will Betray (21); Lord’s Supper (26); Garden (36); Arraigned (37); Peter denies (69).

Chapter 27:  Judas (3); Passion (16); Pilate’s wife (19); Christ. 27. Revealed (39); Buried (57); Seal (66).

Chapter 28:  Resurrection (6); Go teach and Baptize (19).


Chapter 1: BAptist (3); Christ tempted (13); Four called (16); Devil (23); Feaver (30); Healed (32); Leper (40).

Chapter 2: Palsy (2); Levi (14); Whole (17); Fast (18); Wine (22); Sabbath; (23).

Chapter 3: Dried hand (1); Herodias (6); Christ healed all (10); Twelve (14); Belzebub (22); Blasphemy (28); Mother (31).

Chapter 4: Seed (3); All in Parables (11); Candle (21); Measure (24); Seed (26); Parable (33); Storm (37).

Chapter 5: Legion (2); Swine (11); Jairus (22); Issue of blood (25).

Chapter 6: Carpenter (3); Twelve (7); Dust (15); Baptists head (16); Five thousand (36); Sea (48); Healed (55).

Chapter 7: Wash (2); Corban (11); Defiles (15); Crums (24); Epphata (34).

Chapter 8: Four thousand (1); Sign (11); Leaven (15); Blind 24. Peter (29); Satan (33); Cross (34).

Chapter 9: Transfiguration (2); Elias (11); Fast (29); Believe (24); Greatest (34); Offend (42); On our part (48); Salt (49).

Chapter 10: Divorced (2); Children (13); Good (18); Rich; 23 One hundred-fold (30); Zebede (35); Lordship; 42 Blind (46).

Chapter 11: Colt (2); Hosanna (5); Temple. 11. Fig-tree; 13 Believe (23); Forgive (25); Authority (28).

Chapter 12: Vineyard (1); Stone (10); Caesar (14); Resurrection (18); Commandment (28); Lord (35); Widow (40).

Chapter 13: Signs (4); Endure (13); Daniel (14); Shortened (20); Christ’s second coming (24); Watch (33).

Chapter 14: Matthew 26; Luke 22; John 13.

Chapter 15: Matthew 27; Luke 23; John 18-19.

Chapter 16: Matthew 28; Luke 24; John 20.


Chapter 1: Preface (1); John (13); Elizabeth blesses (42); Mary’s song (46); Zacharias’ song (48).

Chapter 2: Christ born (7); Shepherds (8); Christ circumcised (22); Simeon (25); Anna (36); Doctor (46).

Chapter 3: Baptist (2); Asked (10); Dove (22); Genealogy; Vers. 23

Chapter 4: Tempt (2); Preached (14); Rejected (24); Spirit (33); Fever (39); Healed all (40).

Chapter 5: Taught (3); Fishers (5); Leper (12); Palsy (18); Levi (27); Fasting (33).

Chapter 6: Sabbath (1); Prayer (12); Twelve (13); Healed (17); Blessed (20); Love (27); Lend (34); Mote (41); Tree (43); Rock (48).

Chapter 7: Centurion (2); Naim (11); John (19); Reed (24); Prepared (32); Simon (36).

Chapter 8: Women (2); Seed (5); Candle (16); Mother (19); Storm (23); Legion (26); Jairus (41); Issue (43).

Chapter 9: Twelve sent (2); Herod (7); 5,000 (14); Foretold (22); Cross (23); Transfigured (28); Spirit (39); Foretold (44); Greatest (46); For us (50); Fire (54); Follow; 57. Christ’s Plough (62).

Chapter 10: Seventy (1); Dust (11); Chorazin (13); Rejoice (20); Blessed (23); Lawyer (25); Neighbor (29); Matthew (38).

Chapter 11: Lord’s Prayer (2); Ask (9); Belzebub (14); Strong (21); Paps (27); Jonah (29); Light (34); Wash (38); Roots (42).

Chapter 12: Hid (2); Fear (4); Confess (8); Covetousness (15); Barns (18); Lilies (27); Flock (32); Loins (35); Servants (37); Fire (49); Sky (54); Adversary (58).

Chapter 13: Repent (3); Fig-tree (6); 18 years (11); Sabbath (14); Two Parables (18); Gate (24); Fox (32); Jerusalem (34).

Chapter 14: Pit (3); Guests (8); Poor (12); Supper (16); Cross (26); Build (28); Salt (34).

Chapter 15: One hundred Sheep (4); Joy (7); Two Sons (12); Prodigal (13).

Chapter 16: Steward (1); Mammon (9); Violence (10); Divorce (15); Glutton (19).

Chapter 17: Offenses (1); Faith (6); Unprofitable (10); Ten Lepers (12); Noah (26); Lot’s wife (32); Eagles (37).

Chapter 18: Judge (2); Publican (13); Children (15); Camel (25); Peter (28); Fore-tell (31); Blind (35).

Chapter 19: Zacchaeus (2); Ten pounds (13); Colt (30); Stones cry (40); A trench (43); Temple (45).

Chapter 20: Authority (2); Vineyard (9); Stone (17); Tribute (22); Resurrection (27); David (41); Robes (46).

Chapter 21: Two mites (2); Signs (7); Last day (25); Watch (36).

Chapter 22: Matthew 26; Greatest (27); Mark 14; John 13.

Chapter 23: Matthew 27; Mark 15; John 18-19.

Chapter 24: Matthew 28; Emmaus (13); Eat (43); Ascended (51); Mark 16; John 20.


Chapter 1: Light (4); John (6); Lamb (29); Andrew (40); Cephas (42); Philip (43); Nathaniel (45).

Chapter 2: Cana (1); Temple (14); Passover (13); Sign (18).

Chapter 3: Nicodemus (1); Serpent (14); Light (19); Bride (29); Seal (33).

Chapter 4: Samaritan (7); Reap (38); Ruler’s son (46).

Chapter 5: 38 years (5); Sabbath (9); Father (17); Graves (28); Four witnesses (31); Scripture (39); Moses (46).

Chapter 6: Five thousand fed (10); King (15); Sea (18); Bread. 32. Go back (66).

Chapter 7: Brethren (3); Murmure (12); Devil (20); His hour (30); Thirst (37); Nicodemus (50).

Chapter 8: Adulteress (3); Witness (18); Father (16); Free (32); Abraham (37); Devil (44); I am (58).

Chapter 9: Born blind (1); Parents (18); Excommunicate (34); Judgment (39); Blind (40); We see (41).

Chapter 10: Shepherd (2); Division (19); Tell us (24); Stones (31); God’s (35); Escaped (39).

Chapter 11: Lazarus (1); Twelve hours (9); Caiaphas (49); Ephraim (54); Passover (55).

Chapter 12: Ointment (3); Hosanna (13); Greeks (20); Voice (28); Isaiah (38); Light (46).

Chapter 13: Washed (5); If ye know (17); Receive me (20); Betray (21); Sop (26); Love (24); Glorified (31); Cock crew (38).

Chapter 14: Mansions (2); Way (6); Father (7); Ask (13); Love (15); Comforter (26); Go away (28).

Chapter 15: Vine (1); Love (9); Friends (13); Ask (16); Not of world (19); Hate me (25).

Chapter 16: Spirit (7); Reprove (8); Little while (16); Ask (23); Scattered (32).

Chapter 17: Christ’s Prayer (1); Not for world (9); One with us (21).

Chapter 18: Christ betrayed (2); Peter (10); Pilate (29); Barabas (40).

Chapter 19: Condemned (6); Crucified (18); Mother (25); Pierced (34); Buried (40).

Chapter 20: Resurrection (1); Mary (11); Thomas (24); Many signs (30).

Chapter 21: Fishing (3); Christ eats (13); Simon (15); Not die (23).


Chapter 1: Baptized (5); Ascension (9); Persons (15); Judas (16); Matthias (23).

Chapter 2: Cloven tongues (3); Peter’s Sermon (14); Joel (16); David (25); Pricked in heart (37); Common (44).

Chapter 3: Cripple (1); Marvel (12); Repent (19); Times of refreshing (21); Prophet (22).

Chapter 4: 5,000 (4); Obey God (19); Prayed (24); Place shaken (31); All common (32).

Chapter 5: Ananias (1); Signs (12); Prisoned (18); Gamaliel (34); Beaten (40).

Chapter 6: Seven Deacons (5); Priests believed (7); Stephen did wonders (8); Face of Angel (13).

Chapter 7: Stephen’s Sermon (2); Egypt (11); Moses (20); Prophet (37); Stiffnecked (51); Stoned (58); Prayed (60).

Chapter 8: Saul (1); Philip (3); Simon (9); Peter (14); Eunuch (27).

Chapter 9: Saul’s conversion (4); Basket (25); Tarsus (30); Rest (31); Aeneas (33); Dorcas (36).

Chapter 10: Cornelius (1); Peter’s trance (9); Sermon (34); Holy Ghost (44).

Chapter 11: Peter’s Apology (4); Antioch (19); Saul a whole year (26); First Christians (26); Agabus (28).

Chapter 12: Herod (1); James (2); Peter (3); Iron gate (10); Rhode (13); Herod’s oration (21); Worms (23); Saul’s return (25).

Chapter 13: Fasted (2); Elymas (8); John (13); Antioch (14); David (34); Gentiles (46); Believed (48).

Chapter 14: Iconium (1); Lystra (5); God’s (11); Paul stoned (19); Returned (21); Elders; (23).

Chapter 15: Circumcision (1); Apostles’ decrees (22); Contention between Paul and Barnabas (39).

Chapter 16: Timothy (1); Paul’s journeys (8); Philippi (12); Lydia (14); Jailor (27); Romans (37).

Chapter 17: Thessalonica (1); Chief (4); Jason (7); Berea (10); Athens (15); Unknown god (23); Repent (30).

Chapter 18: Corinth (1); Aquila (2); Gallio (12); Churches (22); Apollos.

Chapter 19: Holy Ghost (2); Ephesus, two years (10); Exorcist (13); Books (19); Diana (24).

Chapter 20: Journeys (1); Eutychus (9); Melitus (15); See face no more (25); Wolves (29); Word of grace (32).

Chapter 21: Journeys (1); Agabus (10); Jerusalem (17); Vow (23); Uproar (27); Bound (33).

Chapter 22: Paul’s defense (1); Of his conversion (3); Escaped being a Roman (25).

Chapter 23: Council (1); Whited wall (3); I am a Pharisee (6); Be of good cheer (11); Conspiracy by forty (12); Sent to Felix (24).

Chapter 24: Tertullus (1); Paul’s answer (10); Conscience (16); Felix trembles (25).

Chapter 25: Festus (1); Appeale (10); Agrippa (13).

Chapter 26: Before Agrippa (1); Of his conversion made (24); Almost (29).

Chapter 27: Sailing (2); Angel (23); Persons 276 (27); Shipwreck (41); Safe (44).

Chapter 28: Melita (1); Viper (3); All healed (9); Rome; 14: Two years (30).


Chapter 1: Mutual Faith (13); Gospel (16); Godhead (20); Vile affection (26); Natural man’s sins (29).

Chapter 2: Inexcusable (1); Treasure (6); No respect (11); Law (12); Jews (17); Sins (17); Jew within (29); Circumcision (25).

Chapter 3: Jews’ advantage (1); All guilty (9); Righteousness by faith (22); Justified (28).

Chapter 4: Abraham (1); David justified (6); Circumcision (9); Faith 16. Imputed for righteousness (22).

Chapter 5: Fruits of faith (1); Reconciled (10); By one man sin (12); Grace abounds (15).

Chapter 6: Sanctification (1); Dead with Christ. 3. Sin reigns (12); Servant of sin (16); Wages. (23).

Chapter 7: Law (2); Lust (7); Spiritual battle (9); Will is present (18); O wretched man (24).

Chapter 8: Comfort over corruption (1); Flesh (5); Spirit (5); Abba (15); Affliction (18); Creature (19); Triumph (31); Separate (35).

Chapter 9: Accursed (3); Israel (6); Jacob (13); Pharaoh (17); Potter (21); Remnant (27); Stone (33).

Chapter 10: Zeal (2); Not of works (5); Righteousness of faith (6); Faith by hearing (17); Isaiah (20).

Chapter 11: Casting off the Jews (1); Election (4); Saved (7); Fast (12); Call of Gentiles (13); Olive (17); Jews again (24); Depth (39).

Chapter 12: Living sacrifice (1); Members (4); Holy duties (9); If thine enemy (20).

Chapter 13: Obedience to Rulers (1); Love (8); Might (12); No riot (13); Put on Christ (14).

Chapter 14: Indifferents (2); Judge not (4); Not to offend our brother (13); Unclean (15); Doubting; (23).

Chapter 15: Please (2); Scripture (4); Gentiles (9); God of hope (13); Illyricum (19); Spain (24); Pray for me (30).

Chapter 16: Salutations (1); Divisions (17); Simple to evil (19); God only wise (27).


Chapter 1: Rich (5); Called (9); Divisions (11); Baptize (14); Foolishness (18); Base (28).

Chapter 2: Wisdom of men (4); Spirit (10); Natural men (14); Spiritual (15).

Chapter 3: Carnal (1); Building (9); Temple of God (16); Wise (18).

Chapter 4: Stewards (1); Judge nothing (5); Off-scouring (13); Fathers (15); Puffed up (18); Rod (22).

Chapter 5: Incest (1); Old Leaven (7); Eat not (11); Judge within (12).

Chapter 6: Go to Law (1); Judge (2); No fornication (9); All lawful (12); Harlot (15).

Chapter 7: Marriage (1); Defraud not (5); Abide in calling. 17. Virgins (25); Use world (31).

Chapter 8: Idol (1); Know nothing (2); One God (6); Not to offend brother (9).

Chapter 9: Seal of Apostleship (2); Live of the Gospel (14); Preach (16); All to all (22); So run (26).

Chapter 10: Ensample (6); Temptation (13); Communion (16); Devils (20); Conscience (25); Glory (31); Offense (32).

Chapter 11: Covered (4); Lord’s Supper abused (17); Examine (8); Judged of the Lord (31).

Chapter 12: Various gifts (4); Not one member (14); Apostles (28).

Chapter 13: Love (4); In part (9); As a Child (11); Charity greatest (13).

Chapter 14: Prophesy (1); Tongues (4); Amen (16); Mad (23); Prophets (29); Women silent (34).

Chapter 15: Resurrection (4); Least of Apostles (9); God all (28); Sow (36); All changed (51); Sting (55).

Chapter 16: Collection (1); Door (9); Be strong (13); Anathema (22).


Chapter 1: Consolation (4); Delivered (10); Conscience (12); Yea and Amen (20); Earnest of the Spirit (22).

Chapter 2: Grief (1); Forgive (7); Satan (11); Savor of death (16); Word (17).

Chapter 3: Epistle (2); Ministry of the Spirit (6); Vail (13); Glass (18).

Chapter 4: Gospel hid (3); Not forsaken (9); Light affliction (17).

Chapter 5: House (1); Earnest (5); Judgment (10); Dyed for all (15); New creature (17); Reconciled (18).

Chapter 6: Grace in vain (1); In stripes (5); Belial (15); My Sons (18); etc.

Chapter 7: Cleanse (1); Godly sorrow (10); Boasted (14); I have confidence in (16).

Chapter 8: Macedonia (1); Contribution (7); Willing mind (12); Titus (16); Glory of Christ (23).

Chapter 9: Achaia (2); Reap sparingly (6); Cheerful giver (7); Thanks (11).

Chapter 10: Bold (1); Weapons (4); Boast (8); Letters (10); Our measure (13); Not boasting (15).

Chapter 11: Virgin (2); Another Gospel (4); Abase (7); Preach freely (7); Transform (14); Boasting (17); Paul’s affliction (22).

Chapter 12: Revelations (1); Buffet (7); Infirmities (10); Not burdensome (13); Debate (20).

Chapter 13: Christ not weak (3); Examine (5); Your perfection (9); Holy kiss (12).


Chapter 1: Another Gospel (6); Not of man (11); Went to Arabia (17); Unknown (22).

Chapter 2: Titus (3); Right hands (9); Dissembling (11); Faith (16); Christ lives (20).

Chapter 3: O foolish (1); Justification (8); Christ a curse (13); Covenant (15); Law a Schoolmaster (24); Faith (16).

Chapter 4: Heir (1); Abba (6); Elements (9); Pluck out your eyes (15); Christ be formed (19); Hagar (24).

Chapter 5: Circumcision (2); You did run well (7); Works of flesh (19); And Spirit (22); Who are Christ’s (24).

Chapter 6: Burden (2); Sowing (7); Glory in the Cross (14); New creature (15).


Chapter 1: Chosen (4); Mystery (9); Sealed (13); Hope of his calling (18); Head  (22).

Chapter 2: Dead (1); Saved by grace (5); Aliens (12); Both one (14); Corner-stone (20).

Chapter 3: Gentiles (1); Least (8); I bow my knees (14); Length and breadth (18).

Chapter 4: Unity (3); Ministry (12); The old man (22); New (24); Duties (25); Anger (26); Kind (32).

Chapter 5: Jesting (4); Once darkness (8); Light (13); As wise (15); Wives. 22. Husbands (25).

Chapter 6: Children. 1. Servants (5); Spiritual armor (10); Prayer (18).


Chapter 1: Thanks (3); His prayer (4); Bonds (7); Christ is preached (15); Dissolved (22); Conversation (27); To suffer (29).

Chapter 2: Unity (2); Lowly as Christ (5); Knee (10); Will and do (13); Offered (17); Timothy (19); Epaphroditus (24).

Chapter 3: Dogs (2); Loss (7); Pride (14); Belly their god (19); Body changed (21).

Chapter 4: Rejoice (4); Good report. 8. I can want (12); Communicate (15).


Chapter 1: Thanks (3); Prayer (9); Christ (13); Reconciled (20); Mystery (26); Gentiles (27).

Chapter 2: Conflict (1); Rudiments (8); All in Christ (9); Handwriting (14); Angels (18); Touch not (21).

Chapter 3: Things above (1); Put off (8); Put on (10); Hymns (16); Wives (18); Children (20); Servants (22).

Chapter 4: Masters (1); Pray (2); Salt (6); Tychius (7); Luke (14); Epaphras (12); Salute (15); Laodicea (16).


Chapter 1: Your faith (3); Election (4); Ensample (7).

Chapter 2: No cloak (5); Nurse (7); How holily (10); Word (13); Their sufferings (14); Our crown (19).

Chapter 3: Afflictions (3); We live (8); See your face (10); God direct (11).

Chapter 4: Your sanctification (3); Love (9); Resurrection (13); Archangel (16); Dead rise (17).

Chapter 5: Day of the Lord (2); Sleep (6); Know them (12); Exhort (14); Rejoice (16); Quench not (19).


Chapter 1: Faith grow (3); Sufferings (4); In flaming fire (8); We pray (11).

Chapter 2: Man of sin (3); Delusion (11); Chosen (13); Tradition (15).

Chapter 3: Unreasonable (2); Inordinate (6); Admonish (15).


Chapter 1: End of law (5); Lawless (9); Ignorantly (13); Charge (18); Hymenaeus (20).

Chapter 2: Prayers (1); Ransom for all (6); Women (9); Subject (11).

Chapter 3: Bishops (2); Deacons (8); God’s house (15); Mystery (16).

Chapter 4: Latter times (1); All sanctified (5); Godlines (8); Doctrine (13).

Chapter 5: Widows (3); Elders (17); Lay hands (22); Wine (23); Sins (24).

Chapter 6: Servants (1); Proud (4); Godliness (6); Will be (9); Fight (12); Charge rich (17); Babbling (20).


Chapter 1: Tears (4); Lois (5); Not ashamed (8); Doctrine (13); Onesiphorus (16).

Chapter 2: Strive (5); To suffer (9); Dividing (15); Canker (17); Vessels (20); Not strive (24).

Chapter 3: Last days (1); Women (6); Jannes (8); Persecution (11); All Scripture (16).

Chapter 4: Breach (2); Itching ears (3); A crown (8); Domas (12); All forsook (16); Lyon (17).


Chapter 1: Bishop (7); Cretans (12); All pure (15).

Chapter 2: Young and old (2); Patterns (7); Servants (9); Grace of God (11); Christ (14).

Chapter 3: Subject (1); Deceived (3); Regenerate (5); Heretic (10); Artemas (12).


Chapter 1: HIs Love (5); Onesimus (10); Lodging (22).


Chapter 1: Christ above Angels (4); His God-head; (8).

Chapter 2: Gospel (3); Christ man (6); Suffered (9); Brethren (12); Deliver us (15).

Chapter 3: As Moses (3); House (4); Evil heart (12); Harden not (15).

Chapter 4: His rest (1); Word quick (12); Throne of grace (16).

Chapter 5: High Priest (1); Called (4); Milk (12).

Chapter 6: Principles (1); Fall away (4); Earth (7); God sware (13); Hope-Anker (19); Christ’s Priest-hood (20).

Chapter 7: Melchizedek (1); Tythes (5); With oath forever (24).

Chapter 8: True Tabernacle (2); New Covenant; (8).

Chapter 9: First Tabernacle (1); Owne blood (12); Testament (16); Once offered (28).

Chapter 10: Volume (7); One Sacrifice (12); Faith (22); Sin willingly (26); Affliction (32); Draw back (38).

Chapter 11: By faith (2); Stoned (37); Not perfect (40).

Chapter 12: Run (1); All chastised (6); Esau 16. Zion (22); Shaken (26).

Chapter 13: Marriage (4); Altar (10); Do good (16); Obey (17); Pray (18).


Chapter 1: Patience (3); Wavering (6); Rich (10); Tempted (13); Begat (18); Wrath (19); Glass (23).

Chapter 2: Poor (2); Guilty of all (10); Vain faith (14).

Chapter 3: Tongue (5); Wisdom (13); Earthly (15); Heavenly (17).

Chapter 4: Wars (1); Adulterers (4); Devil (7); Mourne (9); Law (11); If God will (14).

Chapter 5: Rust (3); Patient (7); Swear (12); Pray (13); Confess fault (16).


Chapter 1: Blessed (3); Inheritance (4); Trials (7); Prophets (10); Holy (13); Lamb (19); Born again; (23).

Chapter 2: Milk (2); Stone (4); People (9); Pilgrims (11); King (13); Servant (18); Christ (21).

Chapter 3: Wives (1); Love (8); Life (10); Suffer (14); Noah (20); Baptism (21).

Chapter 4: No longer (2); Riot (4); End (7); Watch (7); Stewards (10); Fiery trial (12); Scarce saved (18).

Chapter 5: Elders (1); Not Lord’s (3); Submit (5); Care (7); Lyon (8); Stablish; (10).


Chapter 1: All in Christ (3); Election sure (10); Put in remembrance (12); Day-star (19); Moved (21).

Chapter 2: False teachers (1); God’s judgments (5); Lot (7); Spots (13); Balaam (15); End worse (20); Sow (22).

Chapter 3: Scoffers (3); All burnt (10); Paul (15); Grow in Grace (18).


Chapter 1: Word of Life (1); Fellowship (3); Walk in light (7); No sin (8).

Chapter 2: Advocate (1); No new command (7); Love; 10 Fathers (13); World (15); Antichrist (18); Unction (20).

Chapter 3: Like Christ (2); Sinneth not (6); Cain (12); Love (14); Heart condemn (20); Ask (22).

Chapter 4: Try spirits (1); World (5); Love of Brethren (7); God’s love (9); Spirit (13).

Chapter 5: Born of God (1); Three witnesses (7); Liar (10); Ask (14); Sin unto death (16).


Chapter 1: Walk in truth (2); Deceivers (7); Lose not (8); God speed (11).


Chapter 1: Walk in truth (2); Diotrephes (9); Demetrius (12).


Chapter 1: Faith (3); Ungodly (4); Angels (6); Michael (9); Spots (12); Enoch (14); Mockers (18); Faith (20); Fire; (23).


Chapter 1: Blessed (3); Alpha (8); Seven Churches; 11- Son of man (13); Keys of Hell (18).

Chapter 2: Ephesus (1); First love (4); Smerna (8); Ten days (10); Pergamos (12); Antipas (13); Thyatira (18); Jezebel (20).

Chapter 3: Sardis (1); Few names (4); Philadelphia (7); Open door (8); Laodicea (14); Warme (16); Supper (20).

Chapter 4: Throne (2); Four beasts (6); Twenty four Elders (10).

Chapter 5: Book (1); Lamb (6); Song. 9. Every creature (12); Blessing (13).

Chapter 6: First seal (1); Horses (4); Souls (9); Robes (10); Scroll (14); Fall on us (16).

Chapter 7: Number of sealed (4); White Robes (9); All tears (17).

Chapter 8: Seventh seal (1); Censer (3); Four trumpets (7); Wormwood (11); Woe; woe (13).

Chapter 9: Locusts (3); Shape (7); Apollyon (11); Angel (13); Army (16); Repented not (20).

Chapter 10: Seven thunders (4); No time (6); Eat book (9).

Chapter 11: Reed (1); Two witnesses (3); Killed (7); Received (11); Seventh Angel (15).

Chapter 12: Woman (2); Dragon (3); Satan cast (9); Feud (15); War (17).

Chapter 13: Beast (1); Overcome (7); Second beast (11); Image (14); Mark of Beast (16); Six hundred threescore and six (18).

Chapter 14: 144,000 (1); Lamb (4); Babylon is fallen (8); Blessed (13); Sickle (14).

Chapter 15: Sea of Glass (2); Song of Moses (3); Seven Vials (7).

Chapter 16: Seven Plagues (1); Repented not (9); Eight Frogs (13); Babylon (19); Great hail (21).

Chapter 17: Whore of Rome (1); Beast was (8); Ten Kings (12); Lamb shall overcome (14); Burn her (16).

Chapter 18: Babylon burnt (2); Come out (4); Alas; 10; Her riches (12); Rejoice (20); Her sin (21).

Chapter 19: Hallelujah (1); Marriage of Lamb (7); Worship God (10); Christ overcomes all (11); Beast taken (20).

Chapter 20: Satan bound (2); Souls lived (4); Satan loosed (7); 1000. years (7); Last judgment (12).

Chapter 21: All new (1); Liars (8); Bride (9); Holy City (10); No Sun (23).

Chapter 22: Waters (1); Tree of life (2); No night (5); Worship God (9); Blessed (14); Come (17); Add (18).



A Discourse Concerning The Antiquity And Origin Of The Points, Vowels And Accents That Are Placed To The Hebrew Bible (Part 1)


The Synopsis & Contents of Francis Roberts’ God’s Covenants