Gouge Bible Reading Plan

We have developed a Bible-reading plan based on William Gouge’s Bible reading habits.

“He invariably read fifteen chapters in the Bible every day: five in the morning, before he entered upon his regular studies, five after dinner, and five at night before he went to rest” – Benjamin Brook, The Lives of the Puritans

While Gouge seems to have strictly read five chapters in each sitting, we’ve adapted this slightly (some days you may read 3, 4, or 6 chapters) so that you are only reading from one book of the Bible in each sitting. Uniquely, Psalm 119 counts as one entire sitting.

One neat thing about this plan is that it only takes 3 months to read through the whole Bible. So if you do it correctly, you’d end up reading through the whole of Scripture four times in 2024! And if you get off-track in January-March, you can try it again in April, and again in July, and again in October. There are also some “free days” at the end of each third month (March-June-September-December), which you can use as “extra” days if you miss a day here or there.

You can download the Gouge-inspired Bible reading plan here.


The National Covenant. Sermon at St. Andrews by Alexander Henderson.


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