The Seven Things That We Here Promise, Vow, and Protest in the National Covenant. (Part II)
Joseph Weissman Joseph Weissman

The Seven Things That We Here Promise, Vow, and Protest in the National Covenant. (Part II)

In the second blog post serializing Thomas Mocket’s work on the national covenant, Mocket sets down the seven things that the covenanters promise, vow and protest - the first being: “to maintain and defend with our lives, power and estate, the true Reformed Protestant religion, expressed in the doctrine of the Church of England, against all popery and popish innovations, within this realm, contrary to the same doctrine.” Read on to discover more.

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A Covenant Once Made Must Be Faithfully Observed (Part I)
Joseph Weissman Joseph Weissman

A Covenant Once Made Must Be Faithfully Observed (Part I)

In these illuminating paragraphs, Puritan divine Thomas Mocket sets out what a covenant is, what it means to covenant with God, how such a covenant must be observed, and the grounds and duties of such a national covenant. Read on as Berith Press marks 386 years since the National Covenant was established in Scotland: a key forerunner to the Solemn League and Covenant.

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