The Mystery of the Promise of Canaan

As the land of Israel and Palestine is in the forefront of our minds, we are greatly saddened by so many tragedies unfolding among the horrors of warfare and strife. With many Christians in the West rightly turning to Scripture to inform ourselves about the land of Canaan, we must ask the right questions. We often approach the issue by asking to whom Canaan belongs, and in doing so, often lose focus of the original purpose for which God promised Canaan to Abraham. This purpose is a divine mystery that cannot be understood by natural reason, which Francis Roberts explains in great detail.

Scripture reveals that God promised Canaan to Abraham as a type of heaven above, and thus we should think on what God intended us to think theologically about Canaan first and foremost. Surely, God did not give Canaan simply as a physical piece of land divested of any spiritual import.

As Francis Roberts says forcefully:

“They then who fancy that God fed Abraham and the fathers only with the husks of earthly mercies, promising to them no further than visibles in Canaan, do not only proclaim their own ignorance and folly, but belie the Father’s happiness, and blaspheme the Lord’s heavenly dispensations towards them.”

We hope you will be blessed by reading these sample pages from our upcoming release of God’s Covenants: The Mystery and Marrow of the Bible, Volume 2 (Berith Press, USA, 2023, pp.183-1967) concerning the mystery of the promise of Canaan to Abraham and his seed.

You can download the pages here.


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